I feel your pain

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My time with Sehun has been bliss, ever since we intimately connected a few weeks ago, our relationship has become more mature and I feel this tie towards Sehun that pulls every time he is away from me for too long.

But I think he has gotten even more possessive for some reason. Whenever someone looks at me for more than a second he impulsively growls at them and pulls me away. I know that it must be a 'Vampire thing' but I can't help but feel he is getting too clingly. Don't get me wrong, I love Sehun and will never give him up, but his actions as of late have lead me to believe that somethings wrong. He won't even visit his brothers anymore, dead or not, it's not healthy to shut himself off like that just for me.

It's a Saturday now and Sehun completely disagreed with my plans to go out, even on a date which is what I suggested. Why is he keeping me inside the house like some caged animal, I can't even feel his love from the bond anymore, all I feel is darkness and pain. Sehun isn't the bright, happy and lovable boyfiend anymore. He's become a boyfriend who is so paranoid about my safety, that he's forgotten what it meant to be in a relationship.

A tear escapes my eye as I think of the pain Sehun must be going through, all because of me and my vulnerability as a human.

"Sehun" I say as I sit next to him on the couch. He looks at me with a toothy smile and brings me into his embrace and lays a kiss on my forehead.

"What's up Sera?" he asks.

"I am concerned for you" I state.

"W-why would you be concerned for me?" he asks surprised

"These past few days sehun, I've notice you've become extremely unhappy. You laugh and smile, but I know that you are faking, I know that this whole ordeal is bothering you." He grip on me tightens as I speak the truth.

"What do you mean, I'm still the same Sehun, who loves and cares for you nothing has changed. Silly girl, your worrying yourself over something that is not worth your time." He calmingly says as he rubs my arms.

"Silly? Tell me Sehun, how am I silly to think that nothing has changed when we don't go outside this house anymore apart from school. Even when we are at school, you don't allow me to go anywhere without you, you even followed me to the bathroom! You've never done anything to this extent before."

"Well maybe I have raised my instinct to protect you but believe me, I am still happy-"

"Sehun, when was the last time you spoke to your family? Ever since you came home mad a few weeks ago, you have rejected all the times they tried to reach out to you. What's up with that? They are your brothers, the people who have loved you for eighteen years and now you don't give them the time of day!"

"Stop it Sera! You don't know what happened okay! Just let me deal with it"

"No I won't! I am your mate! Did you forget that this bond works two ways? I feel your emotions Sehun and everytime your family is mentioned, you swallow yourself in grief and heartbreak! As your girlfriend, it is my job to be there for you, now tell me what is going on!"

"I- I can't, it will affect you too much" he stutters. Fed up with his excuses I grab his face and turn it towards me, putting on my best seducing stare. I don't want to be this way but if Sehun won't tell me, I will just have to make him.

"Sehunnie" I enticingly voice as I move to sit on his lap". I can see him gulp as he brings his hands to rest at my waste.

"Y-yeth" he stutters. Hahaha, when he gets nervous his lisp that he used to have in his child hood comes back. Too cute.

"Why are you keeping secrets from me?" I ask as I start to kiss his neck.

"Ahh-I-I just want you t-to be happy, and not be sad from the truth" he responds breathing heavily.

"Mm but you know sweetie, it makes me sad that you keep secrets from me"

"It does?" he asks as I start to move my lips to his mouth.

"It does, it breaks my heart"

"I-I d-don't want your heart to break, that's me being a bad mate" he entails.

"Fix my heart again then Sehun" I demand. Being dominant is totally new to me, but I like it.


"Tell me the truth and then kiss me everywhere to be make me feel better". What am I even saying?

"Promise you won't be hurt" he declares.

"I promise"

Sehun then goes on to tell me everything, from finding out about Jaehee to the information about BTS that was hidden by his brothers. Listening to all this mess did scare me and I can see why he wanted to keep it from me. My parents adopted a kid? They never told me, there's no reminance of him ever existing in their house. What's worse is that they adopted a boy who was going to kill them in the future. But why did they abandon him? They weren't that heartless, were they?

Sehun took a deep breath as he finished explaining, I already felt his emotions becoming less clattered and that made me sigh in relief. I kind of stopped acting all alluring after he told me the stuff about Jaehee, it was getting pretty serious, so I just decided snuggle into his broad chest to prepare myself from the truth.

I pull back from his embrace and look at him who was staring at me with expecting eyes.

"Are you okay, you're not hurt are you" he breaks the silence. I smile at his distress, he will never stop caring will he?

"Yeah, I'm fine, that's a lot to take in but I'm fine"

"Is your heart still broken?" he asks innocently. Awww he remembers about my broken heart. I may as well finish what I started, he will make me feel better anyway. I slide my hand up to his body and use my fingers to draw patterns all over his chest.

"It's healing because you told me the truth but I need you to add the finishing touches so it's brand new again" I say suggestively.

"I definitely can help you with that" he speaks with a grin plastered upon his face. I return his grin as he swoops me up and carries me to the bedroom over his shoulder. I laugh as playfully slap his back, excited for the night ahead.

*wink wink *

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