She's in Danger

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"Hyungs!" I scream as I enter through the main door of our mansion. In a matter of a second they all speedily make their way into my presence.

"What's wrong Sehun?" Luhan hyung asks as he notices the anger coursing through me.

Too many things were going through my mind and it was hard to come up with the right words to describe the situation I am in.

"I-She-We" I managed to stutter out in hopes of relaying the message but it just left confused faces of all my brothers. I breathed in one more time and began to tell them what Sera had just told me.

"Sera she-her parents...they died" I said

"That's ill-fated Sehun but haven't you told us this before?" Suho hyung asked.

"Yes but we our kind they-they killed them. Vampires killed my mate's parents!" I exclaim as I drop to the floor in rage. My hyungs stood there just as shocked as I was when I found out. They looked at me with eyes full of remorse as they now understood the pain that was tormenting me.

"Sehun-ah" Luhan says as he walks up to me.

"It'll be alright, we will find who was responsible okay" he states.

"That's not the problem hyung! How am I supposed to explain to Sera the existence of Vampires and then go on to tell her that it was our kind who killed her mother and father. She will resent me... She will leave me... And that will kill me, in mind, body and soul" I scream out in pain.

My brother's mates enter the room after my little episode and look at me with sympathy. Suddenly Kris's mate walked up to Sehun surprising the boys.

"Sehunnie listen, I know you think it's the end of the world because she won't accept you but if she loves you she will not leave you. Sure she might freak out and what not, I mean that's what I did" She says and chuckles at the memory. "But look at me now, happily married to your brother" She says smiling as she walks over to Kris and hugs him.

"But noona I-" I was cut off

"Tell her Sehun, she trusts you right? Just tell her your secret and stay with her, love her, cherish her and then tell her about her parents" Kris hyung says.

"Hyung it's not that simple, something this big could ruin her, how could she ever want me knowing that a creature like me killed her parents. I am her only happiness in life hyung, if I mess that up she will be gone."

"We might be vampires, but we don't kill people Sehun. There are two kinds of species, yes, but we are no different each other, other than the fact that we drink blood and are immortal." Says Kai.


"No buts Sehun, you're getting more and more needier as the days go by, it's not healthy to go on this long without mating." Luhan explains.

"What do you mean hyung?" He sighs

"If you don't mate anytime soon, you will not be able to control yourself around her Sehun and then she can really start hating you."

"What! How come you didn't tell me this before!?"

"Well I honestly thought it wouldn't take this long" Luhan playfully states as he smirks.

All my other brothers and their mates start laughing and I can't help but blush at this embarrassing situation.

"Stop it! It's not like I can make her do it with me, she wants to wait till the time is right" I explain

"My advice to you is to just tell her that you are a vampire and clarify what needs to be done, she will have no choice but help you..... if you know what I mean" Chanyeol hyung declares.

Damn these hyungs, just because I'm the maknae they think its okay to embarrass me and pick on me.

"Aish! I'm sick of this, I will tell her okay!" I yell as I speedily make my way up to my room and start to pack my bags. In a matter of seconds I am done and once again make my way down to see my hyungs still in the same spot.

"Where are you going?" Suho hyung asks

"Oh well, I forgot to tell you but I have decided to move in with Sera, as far as I am concerned she's not safe in that house alone" I say, still frustrated with them. Without giving them a chance to respond I open the door and leave.


"Okay I didn't want to mention this while Sehun was still here but do you think Sera's parents could have been the couple who were attacked by BTS last year?" Kyungsoo hesitantly asks.

"Yes, now that I think about it, it's highly possible" Xiumin responds.

"BTS is a notorious vampire clan set on killing for fun, we need to protect Sera at all costs because I doubt they are finished with her" Suho deadpans

"What do you mean honey, why would they even know who Sera is if their victims are random" Suho's mate, Eunji asks as she raps her arms around him.

"BTS like to play games, they bet each other on who can kill a person in the fastest time. So I'm pretty sure whoever killed Sera's parents had a mission to kill all three family members". Eunji's arms tighten around Suho as she too felt scared for Sera's safety.

"So what you mean hyung is one of the BTS dicks messed up the bet by not killing Sera?"

"Yes, he also messed up by not disposing of the bodies. Remember when we last encountered BTS, there were only 6 members instead of 7, he probably got out casted from the clan. This also means Sera is in danger as she is probably the guy's number one target." Suho continues.

"We've gotta tell Sehun" Kai speaks up

"We will just not now, he's got enough on his plate already" 

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