Sehun, My Boyfriend

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The next morning, Sehun and I walked hand in hand through the campus of the school.

Yes, last night when Sehun asked if I would be his girlfriend, I said yes, and little did I know that it would be the start of something beautiful yet cruel.

As we make our way through the crowded hallway, I notice that many of the girls were whispering as we walked passed them. And even though I was out of their personal space of conversation, I still managed to hear the unmistakable words of Bitch, Slut and other derogatory terms. Really why would they be calling me such names? I have not done anything to them!

I tighten my grip of Sehun's hand and he squeezes back, reassuring that he is there for me. He gives me a look asking if I was alright, and there was no doubt that he also knew what these girls were conversing about.

We eventually make our way to homeroom and I slump down on my desk. This morning was great, it was the first time I acknowledged Sehun as my boyfriend when he picked me up to take me to school, today was supposed to be a happy day as it marked 'day 1' of our relationship. But because of all the talk around school, my mood is just dampened and I want nothing more than to just curl up next to Sehun in the comfort of my own home.

Sehun notices my mood and tries to comfort me but I can't help but feel so embarrassed about what happened this morning, I also feel so sorry to him as well as my social status is impacting him. DAMN IT! We've been dating for 1 day and already problems are occurring. Why can't I ever win in life?

The lunch bell goes signalling that I have managed to survive most of the day, really though, it was only possible since Sehun was by my side.

We head to my usual secluded table area after getting lunch and sit down.

"Jagi" Sehun calls.

"Neh" I answer.

"Are you okay, I heard all the talk that's been happening, but please believe that none of that is true. You are my kind, smart, adorable and lovable girlfriend, to me you are the most perfect being on this earth. The things you aren't are what those stupid girls are saying about you". He lays his hand over mine and strokes it gently, conveying all the care he has for me in one simple gesture. My heart palpitates and my stomach flips from all the sensations Sehun has relayed to me. Oh Sehun. Why are you so goddam sweet, how did I end up with someone as good as you?

We spend minutes just staring into each other's eyes, when I feel something sharp and painful pulsating through my abdomen. At first I was confused on what was happening but after a few more seconds of thinking, I realised what was happening and that left me with a very big shocked expression upon my face, one that did not go unnoticed by Sehun.

"Babe, what's wrong" He asked concerned. Omo! What should I do! I can't just tell him it's my time of the month that would be so embarrassing.

"Ahh nothing! I-I just gotta go to the bathroom, like now" I said and bolted off before I had the chance to leak through.

I run through the hallway to the closest bathroom and quickly got into one of the stalls and clean myself up. Luckily along the way my locker was near so I could hastily stop and get a pad out of my bag. I was about to come out of the stall when I heard a group of girls come in bitching about someone, and that someone was me.

"I can't believe her" one girl said

"I know right! She can't just have Oh Sehun! Especially when Jaehee unnie liked him first!" Said another

"Well, I heard Jaehee unnie and him were dating but then that bitch, Sera, stole him off her" the other accused.

What? Sehun and Jaehee were an item? But the other day, they didn't even know eachother, those girls must have it wrong.

Just then another person comes in and I could her all the girls gasp.

"J-jaehee unnie" the whisper

Great! Now Jaehee's here!

"What are you girls doing?" she asks

"W-well, you see unnie, we were discussing about that Sera chick and how she is a bitch for stealing Sehun"

"Ahh, I see" She chuckles "But never mind your pretty faces girls, I have a plan, I will make Sehun mine and teach that Sera a lesson at the same time"

"As expected unnie, you are amazing that you have courage to take back your man"

"I am aren't I" She chuckles and makes her way out of the bathroom with her posse following her.

As soon as I don't here anymore chatter, I make my way out of the bathroom feeling totally dejected, could this day get any worse? I have the whole school gossiping about me, I got my period and I find out that Jaehee could have possibly been in a relationship with Sehun, and is trying to get him back!

But Sehun is mine! He told me himself, I am not going to let that plastic bitch get him. I make my way back to Sehun as grumpy as hell. I plop down on the seat and he looks at me in confusion.

"What's wrong with you" he asks

"Nothing" I reply

"C'mon there must be something, did anything happen to you when you were gone?" Yes! And uterus is killing me right now!

"No" I reply back

"Jagi, you can't hide it from me you're a terrible liar"

"No I'm not!" I yell. Sehun looks at me in surprise and I see his shoulders deflate. Damn it Sera! You took it out on him for no reason, stupid hormones.

"Sehun, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you" he looks back into my eyes and smiles at me

"You're on your period aren't you" he says. I widen my eyes, how could he possibly know that, I feel my cheeks redden at the thought.

"N-no I'm not, you're mistaken" I Shakely reply.

"You are a horrible liar jagi, I live with 11 other females, I think I know whats going on right now" he says teasingly.

"So what! What if I am! It's a natural thing! Don't make fun it's really embarrassing, especially since you're my boyfriend" I blurt out uncontrollably. He chuckled a bit and then slowly came in closer with his hand on my cheek.

"Why would this be embarrassing for you, it's just blood, besides when it stops for a few months I will be the happiest man alive" he says

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when I marry you, there will come a time where you will have no period since you will be bearing my children" he says without hesitation and if I was red before, I'm a tomato now. How could he say things so casually?

"Y-yah Sehun, why are you saying things like that?"

"Why wouldn't I? If you haven't noticed already babe, I am deeply in love with you and I have no plans in letting you go until the day I die, which for us is eternity." He states.

Today has just been a rollercoaster of emotions and Sehun's confession is just icing on the cake. My eyes start to water and tears start to fall down my face, I don't know what will happen in the future, all I know is that we both love each other so much that even someone like Jaehee can't split us up, it only takes a stupid person to believe what Jaehee and the girls were saying in the bathroom.

I turn in my seat so I am close to Sehun's face. Without wasting anymore time, I crash my lips onto his while he instantaneously brings his arms around me pulling me closer into his embrace. With his kiss I am sure that Sehun is the one, it may sound naïve but I can't shake this feeling that we are fated to be together, but I really don't mind and I really hope that Sehun's vision of our future comes true.

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