Where's KITTIE????

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Adam's POV

15 minutes later


Huh??? What happened?? Why are the lights off? Hmmmm...??? OH NO!!! KITTIE! I remember what happened!...
"Come on guys, I got the favorite. Let's roll!" A man said through the staticy sounds of a walkie talkie.

I hear the man talking, I stay still frozen in fear lying on the floor, but I quickly snap out of it, and continue eavesdropping...

"First... before we go..." the man started... "let's hear, or see whichever you prefer, the girl BEFORE we leave... don't disappoint us this time Nolan..." he said like Nolan had done it before...

Before I can rethink what I'm about to do, I bite the man with the walkie talkie, on the leg... hard. The man howls in pain, and look at his attacker, little does he know I'm the prince. He raises his gun at me, to only be surrounded by a bunch of gards with guns. They took him to my father... King Maxon... Great!

"Ummm... Sir?" the guard questions before retreating with his squad.

"Yes? What do you need commander?" I answer with a puzzled look on my face.

"Ummm... your father has requested your presence. Your majesty" he said with a solemn nod and a look of genuine concern on his face.

I know that look from anywhere... it says be prepared for a long speech about how you're the prince and you're supposed to act like one... blah blah blah...


5 minutes (of torture) later......


"Ok, ok, OK! DAD! GEEZ!" I exclaimed furiously.  Wow this man, ugh! 
"Ok, son... calm down..." he says trying to stay calm himself.
"Calm down? My future wife could be out there, starving to death... and you're telling me to calm down?!?!?!?!" I can't believe him right now!
Before I can shut up, I screech "I love her, and I AM gonna find her! With or without you... and MOM!"
Now I've done it... I see mom in the corner of my eye, about to cry, tears painting her eyes red. But instead of yelling, she whispers "Fine, if you don't want our help, than go find her... and have fun... because I'm the only one that knows where she is being held captive. So go on now..."
Wait... WHAT??!! Mom knows where Kittie is??!!
"Mom wait! What did you say?" I question giving her the puppy face... (it gets her every time!)
"Will you apologize?" She knows I know her too well, to not give in so quickly...
"Ugh... fine, dad..." I say asking him to face me.
"I'm really sorry, it's just that... I can't believe I'm already saying this but... I love her with all my heart! And I was getting upset because she's not here with me... I love her dad!" I say getting myself even more upset than before, just talking about her...
"And mom, I'm sorry, as I said before I love her, and I can't stand it when she gone. It hurts me to think that she could be getting hurt right now! And I'm sitting in a luxurious leather chair, and I'm being waited on hand and foot! It infuriates me!!!! I... We need to find her!" I exclaim to my mother Queen America. 

"Ok sweetie... I'll tell you where she is.... but you have to promise me that you won't go by yourself... at least with a few guards, those men who took Kittie are very VERY dangerous, and they will kill you with any chance they get. So please promise me you won't go alone?????" she asks with pleading eyes.

"Ok, mom.... I promise..." as I say it her shoulders visibly relax.

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