Peanut Butter & Jelly

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You sat at your computer desk doing whatever you usually do, when all of a sudden, your bedroom door burst open and Frank came tumbling in, followed by a large smack as he fell on the floor.

"What the fuck is your problem?" You asked as the coinslot-eyed retard laid on your bedroom floor.

He looked up at you, took off his gay sunglasses, made eye contact with you and whispered,"h o ney i mAdE yO u a Pea nU t buT t E r anD jEl Ly sA ndWi chh."

"Give it, faggot. I'm starving." You demanded.

He handed you a sandwich, but it wasn't a peanut butter jelly. It was a block of uncooked ramen between 2 pieces of bread. You slapped him & banished him to the rice fields.

What a gay retard.

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