S I L E N T | T W O

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Lonnngg authors note: MY LIFE UPDATE & QUESTION OF THE DAY ;D

S I L E N T | Chapter Two

"Everybody is obsessed." Eli shrieks from beside me as we walk down the florescent halls of the school.

"Over what?" I side a glance at her. Eli walks with her chin up, her shoes slap against the ground in rhythm with her bubble gum blowing. I cringe inwardly at my best friend. There she was all perfect with her blonde hair –almost white, bright eyes surrounded by voluminous dark lashes, and a perfectly matching outfit that ironically went with her pink bubble gum.

We are nothing alike; in fact I'd say we are polar opposites. Next to her I look shit. I basically wear the same outfit everyday, black leggings, black and white vans, winged eyeliner around my dark eyes, perfectly straight dark plum hair and a of course an oversize Star Wars shirt. I am literally the epitome of geek, and if you couldn't tell that by the way I looked than take one step into my bedroom and you'll be shitting out Nyan Cat rainbows from all of the geekness.

"Correction. Over whom." She retorts, excitement oozing out of her every pore.

"Who?" I ask, my brows furrowing in confusion.

"You know." She smirks, raising a perfectly pointed eyebrow at me and I shrug. She rolls her eyes and leans in closer to me, our steps still in sync. "Ryder Shay." She whispers, a devilish smirk appearing on her lipstick caked lips.

I bite my bottom lip, thinking back to the boy I left alone on top of the clock tower. He probably wanted to be alone anyway; anytime I went up there it was specifically to be alone, to get away. And it wasn't like he was going to do something stupid, right? I mean that was the first time I've seen him up there, so it's not like he was a regular suicidal anyway, he was probably just looking for attention, giving the school something to gossip about like normal.

"What about him?" I role my eyes in return, hoisting my backpack higher on my shoulder while attempting to pull out my keys. Call me crazy but every time I walked out of this school, with my back to the dirty teenagers in the dirty halls I felt this weird pang of grief in my chest. I wasn't upset over the fact that I was leaving this hell whole, hell no. I just didn't want to go back home to an even greater, even deeper hell whole.

"First of all he's a freak." She points out matter of fact.

I laugh and push the door open, walking out onto the hot tarmac of the student parking lot. "And second of all," Eli continues in a 'duh didn't you know this?!' kind of tone. "He's going to be at Ari's party tomorrow."

"Hmm," I drag, pretending to think hard about what she had just said. Pretending to have even the slightest interest that some loser was going to be at another losers party. "A shit faced freak at a party? Count me in." I smirk, my stomach knotting at what I had just said aloud. Guild ate away at me and I tried my best to ignore it. I knew I wouldn't want people to be talking about me like this behind my back, so why do it to Ryder?

I bite my lip even harder, wishing I could make the guilt go away. I was such a terrible person, a hypocrite.

Ryder wasn't exactly what you'd call a loser, he was actually quite famous. The school knew him as someone that was reckless and dangerous, someone without boundaries and someone that most certainly didn't go by any rules.

He was Ryder Shay, why should he? He set his own rules, his own record, which I'm almost one hundred percent positive he has; a criminal record.

And here I was: rule follower, full time loser, and probably the most uneventful and depressing person you could ever meet but H E Y at least I had a super gorgeous, popular, and outgoing best friend who gets invited to all of the school parties to make up for my lack of coolness and make me seem a little more interesting right?


"Good." Eli piped, throwing open the driver's door to her beat up Honda and tossing her bag in. "You and I are going to Ari's party then." She winked and blew me a kiss before hopping in her little Civic and leaving me standing in the parking lot, my hand on my half open door, feeling sick.

Not because of the party or because of what I said about Ryder.

Simply because I had to go home.

That evening I drove around my neighborhood for hours past dark attempting to avoid the bright red door of a split level house that I slept in but didn't really consider a home. Just past twelve I pulled up into my lane way, sitting there for a little longer than necessary, letting the car idle.

When I walked into the house it was dark, the lights were out. I threw my keys on the kitchen counter and went to go up the stairs to my bedroom but froze on the first step when I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. I turned, one hand gripping the strap of my backpack, the other hanging tightly onto the railing.

My father stood in the kitchen, leaning against the island with his arms crossed against his chest, he was looking directly at me a scowl spread across his miserable face. He stared and by the way his eyes were glossed over and wasn't able to completely look directly into my eyes I could tell he had too much to drink again.

He was not impressed.

I lowered my head, waiting for his booming voice to start shouting, to start telling me how badly I'd fucked up and how much shit I'd be in. I waited for his demands to where I was all day, and why I hadn't called to tell them that I wasn't going to be home right away after school.

I waited for the yelling, the crying, the slamming doors, car engines and tires screeching out of the driveway.

I could feel my body begin to tremble and my mind grow anxious with worry as I waited. But all that I felt as I finally turned around and made my way up the rest of the steps was his ice cold, drunken stair on my back.

He didn't need to say anything; the look in his drunken eyes spoke volumes.

I could see the promise of oncoming consequences deep within his dead eyes.

Hello :) SO YEAH, Brielle looks like me ;D I have dark plum hair (or had before I lost it all, cause yaknow Chemo does that) And I literally have a Star Wars shirt for everyday of the week lol :')

Don't forget to vote for the next chapter and C O M M E N T because I love reading and replying to them! <3

Hopefully it wasn't too boring :c BUT HEY I posted on MONDAY this time xD

Thank's lovelies –Bree


I might do updates on how I'm doing and my scan results? And then we can talk and get to know a little more about each other :)

SO, I go for my PET scan today! And I'm pretty sure tomorrow I'll get my results to see if I'm Cancer free ( I have blood cancer (Hidgkin Lymphoma))

I've honestly been pretty down and depressed lately (that's why I haven't been posting as many chapters of TWP) And honestly that's why I started writing this story :$

Anyway :)


What is your current read?? (Off Wattpad)

My current read is Alice Close Your Eyes by Averil Dean, it's super dark and sexy and yea :')

Thanks guys <3 -Bree

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