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3rd person//

Save My Name as GW2 Monster: wdym?

Namn00b Is Gay: ugh you know what I mean just give me the number

Save My Name as GW2 Monster: *insert phone number*

Save My Name as GW2 Monster: what for?

Namn00b Is Gay: nothing

GW2 Monster: k
Read - 17:15

Yoongi was almost shaking as he carefully pressed the ten-digit number on his phone. Now now, Yoongi, calm down. It's just a phone call. It's just Jimin. Just a phone call. He took a deep breath and pressed the big green button on the screen. He yelped as the first signal went off and he threw the phone on his bed, quickly putting the call on speaker mode.

Jimin answered after the third, almost the fourth tone. "Y-yeah?" Yoongi sat there, stunned that he actually called someone and scared shitless that it was to someone like Jimin. "Hello?" Jimin spoke up, clearly out of the stranger-boy's claws (that was not as clear before).

"Ah, yes. H-hello." Yoongi nervously spoke up, his voice almost broke several times during that short sentence, but he managed to sound somewhat composed.

"Hm, who's this?" It didn't seem as though Jimin was mocking him, but rather actually asking who it was, which calmed Yoongi to some extent.

"Uh, Yoongi." Yoongi cursed at himself for not being able to fucking talk on the phone like a normal fucking human being. Who the fuck stutters when answering what their name is?

"Yoongi? What a pleasant surprise." Yoongi could practically hear the huge grin spreading across Jimin's face through the phone.

"Y-yeah." He didn't know what to say, so he just agreed. They sat silently, but after about 20 seconds of said silence Yoongi could hear how Jimin was telling someone - presumably stranger-boy - to go away in angry whispers.

"No, you can't stay. Don't take any food I swear to God!" A door was slammed and Jimin sighed loudly, removing his hand from the phone which he thought would help cancel out sounds, but he didn't hold his hand over the microphone so it was rather pointless. "So, Yoongi, how are you?"

"We met like 20 minutes ago?" Yoongi questioned stood up to walk around in his room as he was trying to distract himself from the stress of being in a phone call.

"Yeah, so? You called me. Obviously, something's up." Jimin laughed a little to himself and Yoongi would be lying if he said that his lips didn't twitch up into a little smile.

"No, um, everything's good I just-"

"Saw me making out with another guy?" Jimin asks, practically taking the words out of Yoongi's mouth, but, not because he hadn't said them yet. You know. He took them out of his mind.

"Yeah?" Yoongi sighed helplessly and fell back down on his bed, accidentally hitting his head on the wall in the process. "아이씨, shit." Yoongi groaned loudly and rolled over on the bed, holding his head in his hands.

"What the fuck was that?" Jimin sounded something in between worried and amused, almost laughing but also sounding genuinely concerned.

"I--damn it, I hit my head against the wall." Yoongi rubbed the back of his head and hissed as another jolt of pain went through his head.

"Clumsy baby." Jimin whisper-scoffed and shook his head.

"What?" Yoongi didn't catch exactly what Jimin said as he was occupied with his head now pulsating lightly, but he heard something about a clumsy thing and Jimin wasn't wrong.

"Nothing." Jimin quickly cleared his throat and tried to think of a way to get rid of the awkward silence. "Do you-um, want me to come over and... help you?"

Yoongi was astonished at how insecure and nervous Jimin sounded, it almost made his little stone heart melt. Almost. "Uh, sure?" Yoongi shrugged, suddenly feeling brave now that Jimin didn't.

"Oh, okay?" Jimin sounded surprised, and he didn't hang up, not even when Yoongi could hear him opening the window (it was in case Yoongi changed his mind). Yoongi heard a soft knock on his own window, in real life, not on the phone, and Yoongi stood up from his bed to walk over to it.

Jimin stood on the roof outside of the window, he had a death-grip on his phone that made his knuckles turn white, but this went unnoticed by Yoongi. Yoongi just stood there and looked at the younger, something was off, but he couldn't point out exactly what. Jimin on the other hand, he knew what was off.

It was him.

Jimin couldn't explain why, but his heart started to beat a lot faster when Yoongi had said that he could come over, and it started to beat even faster when he actually saw Yoongi standing there on the other side of the glass. He was the purest thing that Jimin had ever seen, quite the contrary to Jimin to say the least. And yet he was so, roughed up, in a way. His face was completely makeup-free in contrast to Jimin's dark, smudged eyeliner. His body was thin, lean and soft, whilst Jimin's was rather bulky and sharp at all the edges.

"Hi." Yoongi's raspy voice spoke up, and Jimin's heart - instead of speeding up - skipped a beat.

"H-hi." Jimin was aware that they were talking on the phone even though the only thing keeping them apart was one stupid window, but he wasn't sure if Yoongi could hear his pathetic whisper of an answer through the glass, so it was best to keep the device close.

Yoongi's lips twitched up into a smile and he did put down his phone - but he didn't end the call - to open his window. Jimin was still holding his phone to his ear as Yoongi stepped away from the window. "You coming?" Yoongi breathed out a halfhearted laugh. Jimin gulped, but nodded, and put his phone in his pocket whilst trying to crawl in through the window with all his motor skills seemingly leaving his body, right at that very moment. "So," Yoongi had spun around himself, as if searching for something, before looking back at Jimin. "My head doesn't really hurt anymore."

Jimin quirked a brow at Yoongi at first but then realised that that was actually the reason why he came in the first place. "Uh, yeah, good." Jimin nodded and he felt as though his face was burning up. He quickly turned away to hide his blush. Yoongi scoffed and shook his head as he crossed his arms over his chest. Jimin wanted to ask him a sassy 'what?', but he didn't even get the chance to do it before Yoongi answered his question.

"Daddy, my ass."

hey, finally updated


okay goodbye and praise our prince real good today

thank you for reading!

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