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Hello everyone ! 

So here is chapter one ! Hope you guys like it !

Enjoy !

______3rd person Pov______

It was a beautiful ,warm and sunny morning in the town of Magnolia.Loud chatter could be heard among the town as its residents cheerfuly greeted one another.                                                   Kids were running around playing with eachother screaming and laughing joyfuly,  Merchants shouting and introducing their merchandise ,luring customers in.

In the middle of all of this ,two figures were making their way through the crowd. The townspeople stared at the two new faces questionably ,for they have never seen them before.

"Silveeer ~ Are we there yet ? I'm hungry and really tired !" Whined a girly voice to her flying friend while dropping her body and laying flat on the ground ,face squished against the concrete. This 'Silver' sighed and directed his gaze to her "You've asked me this for at least five-hundred times since we have arrived in Magnolia .. and that was one hour ago ONLY !" Shouted the cat. The girl sat back up and pouted ,glaring at whoever stared at her.

Silver only sighed and made his little wings disappear. He landed on the ground and looked around them ,then back at the map his tiny paws were holding."I think if we go down that road and continue straight ahead ,we will be able to make it there in at least 20 minutes ,maybe ?" Said her furry bestfriend while pointing to the right. The girl suddenly shot up from her place with a wide grinn stretched on her face after hearing her partner's statement.

"That means I'll finally be able to see him again ! What are we waiting for then ?! Let's go !!" Said excitedly the petite girl while dashing down the road Silver was pointing at .leaving only dust behind ... and Silver.

"H-HEY ! W-wait for me ! Sekai !!" Screamed the little cat while trying to catch up to the running figure of Sekai. 'Man .. she runs fast ! Wasn't she just complaining about how much tired and hungry she was ?' Thought little Silver.

They sure had a long day ahead of them.


Helloooo ~ 

I know ,I know. It's quite a short chapter .. ok I admit ,it was really short ,but I'm feeling lazy sooo ... deal with me ! xD

If anyone happen to read this ,feel free to leave a comment giving your opinion on if I should improve anything .. etc 

Also ,you can leave suggestions ! That would actually help a lot ! xD 

Hope you guys liked it ~ 

Again ,I apologize for any mistakes I made.

Have a great day/night ! Buh-Byee ~ 

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