Chapter 4

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Lara grabbed Rose's hand and pulled her over to a group that was beginning to cluster in the other corner of the barn. Most of them were young children or people Rose's age. Rose and Lara sat down on the hay-infested floor up front next to another group of girls.

Everyone was gathered around a rocking chair, which was occupied by Horace Van Ripper. Old Man Ripper had been his nickname back when Rose's parents were young. Now he was Older Old Man Ripper. He gently rocked back in forth in his chair, his ancient eyes scanning over his audience. His grey beard was like moss. In his lap he held a brown jug.

"Old Man Ripper is Adrian's grandfather" Lara whispered to Rose. "He's the best storyteller in town. But usually he lets us tell stories too."

The rest of the guests, including most of the adults, gathered around the old man. Van Ripper sat up straight in his seat.

"Tell us a tale, Van Ripper!" one of the little kids yelled.

The man smiled and chuckled. "My, you young ones are impatient. Which one you want to hear?"

"Storm hag!" a boy in suspenders yelled.

"Raw head!" yelled an older boy.

"Bloody bones!" yelled a girl with braids.

Everyone began shouting out random titles until Old Man Ripper held up a hand to silence the crowd.

"One at a time, you all" he said. His eyes scanned the crowd until they stopped at a boy with curly blond hair. "You, young man. You choose first."

"Tell the one about Major Andre!" He said. The crowd of kids all nodded and murmured in agreement.

"I love this story!" Lara whispered. She sat up and said to Van Ripper "He was a spy wasn't he?"

Old Man Ripper nodded. "Major Andre was a spy and a soldier who fought for the Brits back in the war. We caught him galloping through the Hollow on his way to deliver secret information. But we caught him, and hung him for it back at the Old Tulip Tree. And some say that to this day, his ghost still haunts that very spot."

A chill ran down Rose's spine. She remembered walking past the Old Tulip Tree that night she had snuck out. She remembered how the spot around that tree had felt unusually cold and eerie. So that was why the Old Tulip Tree was so special. It had been the spot where a man's body once hung by a noose.

Old Man Ripper leaned back in his chair and took a sip from his jug. "So, would anyone else like to tell a story?"

The crowd erupted into shouts from young volunteers. Amongst the noise, Rose noticed her father and his friends returning from the barn. They all looked a bit tipsy, but nothing too rough. Abraham walked over to Katrina and put his arm around her waist. Rose felt a small surge of happiness.

Lara was frantically waving her hand in the air, trying to be noticed. At that moment, Rose remembered the story of the Lady in White. She stuck her hand in the air, and Old Man Ripper pointed to her.

"You, young lady" he said. "Stand up and tell me your name."

Rose stood up. It was obvious from the looks on everyone's faces that they'd never seen her before. One girl whispered to another. Lara looked up at her friend in excitement.

"My name is Rose Van Brunt" Rose said.

More murmurs, this time louder, came from the crowd. Rose looked over at her parents, who were shuffling their feet.

"Well, I'll be" Old Man Ripper said. "I almost forgot Brom Bones had a daughter. What story do you have for us?"

"I would like to tell the story of the Lady in White."

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