Chapter 1

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Sleepy Hollow. 1807.

It was mid-October when Rose Van Brunt first snuck out of the house. After an hour of laying patiently in bed, the sound of her mother and father's footsteps creaked upstairs and down the hall towards their bedroom. Rose waited a few moments, staring at the full moon that washed pale light through her window, then carefully stepped out of bed. She slipped her black cloak over her night gown and gently tiptoed into the hallway.

Rose quietly worked her way past her parents' bedroom. The door was creaked open, giving her enough view to see inside. She peeked through, only to find her parents sound asleep. Her father was snoring deeply on his back, his dark shaggy hair tufted over his forehead. Her mother looked serene and fresh, her breathing barely audible. After waiting a few seconds to make sure they were completely asleep, Rose made her way downstairs and towards the back door.

The air outside was cool, and crisp with fresh young autumn. Stars twinkled in the black sky like light on a stream. Rose walked barefoot across the yellow grass towards the stables. Inside, everything was lit by a single oil lamp that hung by the door. The horses were sound asleep, making slight breathing noises in the silence. Their shadows lingered on the coppery wooden walls. Rose took the lamp off its hook, then retreated down the path towards town.

Despite the thrill of excitement and nervousness of what she was doing, Rose was exhausted. The day had been her sixteenth birthday, which meant Rose had spent the day wrapped up in her family's merriment. Or at least as much merriment that her strict parents would allow. Just a few hours ago, her parents and herself had gathered around the dining table as her mother sliced a freshly-baked chocolate cake.

"I can't believe my baby girl's all grown up" her father said. "Seems like just yesterday you were rocking in the cradle."

Rose's mother placed a slice of cake in front of her daughter then kissed her on the head. "I'm very happy for you Rose" she said. "It's not every day a girl becomes a woman. And what a beautiful one you've turned out to be."

"Tell me about it" her father said, grabbing her by the chin and lifting her face to his. "You look just like your mother did when she was young."

It was true. Anyone who saw Rose could easily identify her as Katrina Van Brunt's daughter. She had inherited the same golden curls and rosy cheeks as her mother. The only thing that separated Rose from her parents were her eyes. She had glassy green eyes that neither of her parents had. People often wondered where those eyes came from, but just assumed they came from some distant ancestor.

But those people were few. Rose's parents hardly ever let her step foot off their property. The only time Rose ever saw anyone other than her parents was on Sundays when they went to church. The last time she had interacted with someone her own age had been back in school. But it had been years since then, and now Rose's parents kept a tight leash on her.

But all that would change that night. She was an adult now. It was time for her to finally explore Sleepy Hollow.

Rose's bare feet sauntered across the soft dirt road that trailed through the Hollow. The town was sleepy by day, and dead silent at night. The houses were pitch black inside. The only sound came from the crickets and a distant owl. Once she reached the church, she made a turn towards her destination: Raven Rock.

It was during her last year of school that Rose had first heard about the legend of Raven Rock. She remembered she had been sitting in class, writing sums down in her book when a boy across from her began talking to another classmate. He told of a being called The Lady in White, a ghost that haunted the Hollow.

The legend had peaked her curiosity, and remained in her mind throughout the rest of her school years and after. Her parents would have never let her anywhere near Raven Rock, or anywhere in Sleepy Hollow other than the church. She promised herself as a child she would go to Raven Rock when she was an adult. Now she was sixteen, and it was time to see what she had wondered about for years.

It wasn't long before Rose came across the Old Tulip Tree. The towering beauty was a special spot in Sleepy Hollow, although Rose never learned why. Her parents would often walk by it on their way to church. She sometimes heard people call it "Major Andre's Tree", whoever this Major Andre was. She remembered how it looked in the spring, with hundreds of pink blossoms sprouting from the branches. Now, it was adorned in millions of bright yellow autumn leaves.

Just passed the tree was a dirt path that led into the woods towards Raven Rock. Rose quickly hurried towards it across the market square. Just as she passed by Major Andre's Tree, an eerie chill suddenly ran along her skin. She felt like an icy snake were slithering along her spine. The leaves on the tree gently shook in the silence. Rose suddenly felt that someone in the distance was watching her.

Rose froze where she was and listened carefully to the night. Her ears perked for any footsteps and she scanned the area for anyone nearby. But Sleepy Hollow was as restful as it always was.

"Don't be childish, Rose" she thought to herself. "It's only your own mind trying to scare you."

She took a deep breath and tucked her cloak against the cold. With only the oil lamp's faint golden glow, she sauntered down the path into the blackened woods.

Before long, she reached the brook. The water was black, except for the moon's rippled reflection. Rose listened carefully and gazed the scenery for any sign of movement. The only noise was the gentle trickle of the midnight stream.

Rose stood on the bank of the stream staring down at her reflection. She lifted her lamp and scanned the area once more. She stood very still, allowing her senses to sharpen. All around her was nothing but trickling water in the middle of the dark forest. The only movement that caught her eye was the gently sway of the branches above.

Just then, Rose thought she heard footsteps. The ever so faint crackle of fallen leaves under light feet. She held her breath and listened. The noise seemed to be getting louder. Then something caught her eye.

A strange white light appeared on the surface of the water. Rose got down on her hands and knees and looked closer. The light was growing, coming closer and closer. The sound of footsteps clarified, and she realized they were coming from right behind her.

Then something else appeared in the water. Next to the light was another white figure, with arms and a flowing skirt. In the darkness Rose could barely make out a pair of eyes.

"The Lady in White?" Rose thought. She felt shiver of fear cross into her chest. Her bones froze her in place. The image was coming closer and closer. A hand grabbed Rose's shoulder, and she screamed.

Rose spun around expecting the ghostly face of the dead woman, but instead it was the rosy face of Katrina Van Tassel.

"Rose" she said angrily. "What are you doing out here?"

Rose quickly stood up. "Mama, I—"

"Didn't your father and I tell you to never leave the house?" Katrina grabbed her daughter's wrist and began pulling her back towards home. Rose looked back at the trickling brook. Not a speck of light to be seen.

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