Chapter 16

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(Tord POV)

We were all enjoying the flight alongside the newly engaged couple.  The flight was going great until Pat tapped me on the shoulder.  I turned around in my seat to see him.

"Sir, we uh, it appears that we are being forced to land." Pat said calmly.


"Sir, do we land or keep flying and risk getting shot at?"

"No, you shoot them."



I was a bit taken aback by the sudden panic, but then again, we were in enemy territory. Probably the Leader of the power hungry gang is forcing us down. I set my jaw and hardened my expression.

"Alright then, prepare for bat-"

"Sir, so help me I will disobey orders. I do not want to risk your life, son." I froze and my eyes widened as Paul turned back around and tightened his grip on the helicopter yoke. (It's the 'wheel')

"D-did you just call me 'son'?"

"Yes, yes he did, sir." Pat turned around and addressed me properly. "Tord, we care about you like you are our son. We are only here to help and guide you. Please, take Paul's advice."

I stared at him before I agreed to land. Risking our lives over a little misunderstanding is not worth it. I turned back around and sat down in my seat. My eyes were wide with astonishment. They take me as their son? The boy whom failed so horribly and made his friends hate him?  What am I saying?  If my friends didn't trust me, they wouldn't be in this helicopter with me. I drew in a deep breath and took a cigar out from my pocket. I felt around for my lighter but it wasn't here. Tom nudged me and reached into my jacket pocket before pulling the silver lighter out.

"You know smoking is bad for you, right?"

"Yea, thanks by the way."

"No problem. So do you mind if we ask, are we landing?"

"Yes." I mumbled as I lit the cigar and took a drag. The smoke burned my lungs slowly destroying them. I exhaled fumes and then turned to Tom as the helicopter slowly started its decent.

"Tom, if this is the last time I ever see you, I just want you to know I love you." And with that I kissed him on the lips. When we pulled apart he was a blushing mess. Matt and Edd held on to each other and stared at me with big scared eyes.

I looked at them.

"Oh, uhh, I was saying that because ya know, I'm like the leader and they are really just coming after me." I leaned forwards and hugged them. "Thank you guys for being there for me. If I don't make it out, I want you to know you are the best friends any one could ever ask for." I smiled and sat back down in my seat. The voices of people on the ground could just be heard over the sounds of the helicopter blades.

An idea struck my mind. Hide.

I hurried and unbuckled my seat. I stood up and lifted up the cushions revealing a compartment just big enough for one. There were 4 seats. I made everyone stand up and open all the seats.

"Ok so I have a plan. We are going to hide. It's not the best plan ever, but it will have to do for now." I handed everyone a metal pipe or any hard object randomly laying around on the floor. They all put themselves into the little storage units and I went around closing the seats. Finally I got myself settled in and stayed quiet.

I knew inside that these hiding spots would not last long, but they would buy us some time. I felt Tom grab my hand. The compartments were connected between the two seats on either side of the cabin. We were as prepared as we could be, for a fight.

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