Chapter 8

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(I took this picture!)

A few hours passed before I remembered we had to get back home.  Tord was... I guess you could say... star struck.  He looked at me as I sat up and climbed into the drivers seat.

"Where ya going?"

"We have to go." I chuckled softly.

"Oh, before we do..." he leaned forward and closed his eyes.  He just hung there.  It took me a moment for me to realize I quickly pecked him on the lips and started the car. He flopped back into the seat with a wide grin on his face.

"I have been meaning to ask you, Tord." I said looking through the rear view mirror. "Aren't you going to get a place of your own?" I had a plan of where this was going.

"Uhh... I don't know I mean... i-if you want me to leave your apartment ...I-I can."

"No, no, no... I was just going to ask, would you want to live with me?" Tord's expression went from hurt to excited. "But you know if we do, we will have to come out of the closet to Edd and Matt." Tord looked discouraged.

"At least they won't continue to question us. And we should really get going, and set my bed up in your house."

"Eh too lazy, you can sleep in my room."

"What?!" Tord looked at me confused.

"Oh... uhh..." I wasn't sure what to say, I thought I had just made things awkward. Until the edges of his mouth curled up to form a smile. "Tord could you, uh, help me put the roof up?"

"Sure thing!" The roof on this old car doesn't go up automatically anymore, you have to pull on it a bit to get it started.

After he sat down and buckled up, I changed gears and drove back down the dirt hill to the road. As we were driving along there was a sudden bang and a pop of fabric. Next thing I know, the roof of my car has a hole in it. I glanced back at Tord. His head was between his knees and his hands over the back of his head. Suddenly, the driver side window shattered and a bullet whizzed by my face, narrowly missing me.

"We're under attack!!" I screamed. I stepped on the gas and sped down the road as two more bullets struck the car, one of which ended up piercing Tord's leg. I heard a cry from the back seat. I reached behind. "Give me your gun." Tord practically threw it at me. I slowed down a bit, and rolled down the window. I could see a couple of men in the trees, dressed in black. I fired the gun and one of them fell out of the tree.

I rolled up the window, handed the gun back, and hit the gas again.

"Did you kill him?"

"What?!? No!! Killing is bad Tord." But really I had no idea.

"I was just asking." He let out an agonizing whine. 

"Where were you shot?"

"My calf, it went right through."

"Oh no!"  I slammed on the brakes and unbuckled my seatbelt so I could turn around. Tord was on his side holding his leg.  There was blood everywhere.  I reached for bandages from the glovebox.  Tord's hands covered the wounds.  His mechanical hand was dripping with blood.  I could tell he was in pain, even though he tried hard to hold back any emotion. I moved his hands away from the injuries and wrapped his leg tightly in white gauze.

I heard him say 'thank you' through his tightly clenched jaw.   I quickly looked out the windows before starting up the car and speeding home. 


When we finally got to the apartment, the bleeding wasn't so bad.  I unbuckled and tried to get out of the car once Tom put it in park.  My leg hurt like heck. The blue hooded figure jumped out of the front seat and put his hand up signaling me to stop what I was doing. 

"What?" As soon as I asked, he scooped me up from the seat like a princess and kicked the car door shut.

When we reached the stairwell in the building, Tom sighed and began to climb them with me in his arms. Everybody that we passed just stared at us, it made me uncomfortable. I couldn't understand their confusion, either they were staring at the guy carrying another guy, or they were horrified by my ghastly injuries. We finally reached the floor with Tom's apartment. As he carried me down the hallway one of the doors opened.

"Aay look who it is guys!!" A familiar voice said to people in the back round.

"Edwardo..." Tom growled. As if on cue, a man stepped out from the door. He wore a dark green flannel.

"Who's ya pretty lady?" He mocked.

"I'm no lady you....." I remembered that I had accidentally killed their friend, Jon.

Tom froze and I covered my mouth. Edwardo's eyes got big.

"Mark.... could you get my pistol for me?"

"Run." I whispered to Tom. Tom broke out into a sprint with Edwardo and Mark hot on our trail. Tom half dropped me as he got out his house keys. He stopped in front of his door and jammed the key into the lock then yanked on the handle and dashed inside. I was thrown onto the couch as the door locked behind us. There was banging.

"You can't keep him forever Tom... he's a criminal." Edwardo shouted.

I winced at those words. Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse, they started kicking the door. The wood around the lock splintered with each kick.

"Give me your gun." Tom said frantically.


"Just do it!" I did as he said and handed him my gun.  He grabbed the gun and pointed it at me.

"Tom...". Just as I was about to ask, the lock broke and Mark and Edwardo marched in. They stopped in their tracks. The scene laid out in front of them was something they probably didn't expect.  I probably looked more startled than they were. Tom turned his attention to them, determination burning in his 'eyes'. I had never really seen him act like this before. Edwardo and Mark looked at each other nervously.

"I was just about to finish the job."  He said, his unusual high pitch voice told me he was lying.

"What is going on here?" Edd appeared around the doorway. He gasped, "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HIM!!" Edd shouted with a hint of anger.

"No, no Edd.... this is not what this looks like." I stammered. I was at a loss for words at the moment. Everything went black.

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