When Worlds Colide (OUAT/Disney)

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I do not own any of the characters I am using the belong to disney or ouat. I am not taking any scenes from previous episodes or movies. So to clarify my script not my characters.



I was in my office drinking my coffee when all of a sudden the ground started to shake. I quickly ran outside where I ran into Mary Margret and David (my parents also known as Snow White and Prince Charming). They looked as startled as I was.

"What the hell was that?" I asked.

"I have no idea but we better check it out," David said,"I think we should spread out and see what we can find."

Mary Margret and I shook are heads in agreement. "I will go this way," I said pointing to the docks," and see if Hook saw anything and-" that's when I was cut off.

"NO YOUR NOT!" David yelled. He doesn't like Hook much, I think that's because he's afraid I'm going to fall in love with him but seriously.

"I can make my own decisions," I said standing up for myself.

"You can unless it involves a pirate," David said getting more frustrated by the minute.

"David let her go," said Mary Margret butting in for the first time in the conversation,"she is a grown woman and she can handle herself. Now, Emma you go to the docks and ask Hook if he has seen anything. David check the area around the hospital area and ask anyone if they have seen anything. I will check around Grannies."

I agreed at this but I could tell that David didn't like the part where I went to see Hook. He nodded in agreement anyway.

"Great we meet back here in two hours," Mary Margret said.

We all went to our assignments and I could tell David was second guessing this but didn't say anything.

I started walking to the docks. I decided to take the long way around (which meant walking through the beach). I took the long way for two reasons, one was to see if I could find anything on my way and two was because Hook has been ignoring me since we got back from Neverland (a reason why I choose to go to the docks) and I wanted to think of something else to say instead of being there for one reason (like I was).

While I was walking through the beach I saw foot prints, and not just one pair of foot prints but a gang load. I decide to follow them but they ended when the pavement starts. I start walking faster to Hook's ship.

I must have not been looking where I was going because I ran right into someone. I quickly fell on the floor. I looked up to see who I ran into but I couldn't see because I was blinded by the light but I could tell it was a guy. He offered me his hand and I took it. I was then immediately sprung up and off the ground. I started to wipe the dirt off my pants.

"Are you alright there love," hearing his voice and him calling me love I could tell he was Hook.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks," I said trying to walk away. After seeing him my walls were starting to fall down in his eyes and I had to go before they were gone completely. Why did I chose to go see Hook it was a terrible idea.

He moved right in front of me before I could get away. "Going so soon love. I was trying to look for you but apparently I am hard to resist and you beat me to it," he said with his famous smirk.

"And why were you looking for me Hook?" I asked getting annoyed,"I thought you were trying to ignore me."

"I was but then the ground started to shake and I was looking for the sheriff, which is you Swan, to tell me what it was," he said not taking his eyes off me.

"I really don't know what it is but you could help me out. I already found these foot prints," I said pointing to them,"and it seems like a huge group of people came out of the water into Storybrooke. What I want to know is who came here and how did they get here?"


Did I really just let my daughter walk into Hook's arms (maybe not but it could happen). Snow told me not to worry but how could I not I mean he's a pirate. And I just know that know it Emma falls for him she is going to end up broken hearted and I don't want that. We might be the same age but I am still her father. I can't think about this now it will just get me angrier.

After two hours I found out nothing so I start heading to the spot where Emma, Snow, and I all agreed to meet.


I walk into Granny's and I see that there are only a few people in the diner (not counting Granny or Ruby/Red). I walk around and sit down at the counter.

After a few minutes of just sitting there the bell on the door rings. I turn around to see who it is and gasp when I see them.


A/N: I hope you like it. Let me know what you think in the comments and tell me if I should add anything to it. Sorry about the cliff hanger but I just love them. And even if you don't ship captain swan (even though they are a great couple) you should still read because even though there are a few scenes with them that is not what the whole story is about. I hope you like the story and the next update should be up soon.

Follow me on my Instagram account you would like it I post disney and ouat so follow me @disney_dreamx and I will follow right back

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