A Pirate Crew

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"Three pirates!?" I yell and ask at the same time. How could this be!?

"Yes but don't think anything of it, ok?" Emma asks.

"Ok but I don't want to see anything happening," I reply.

Emma just rolled her eyes.

"Now we need to figure out a way to get these characters," I referred to Jack Sparrow and and disney Hook (also disney Belle and disney Snow White but they weren't there),"back to there lands."

"Why would I want to go back if I am seeing something that is here," Jack says staring at Emma and she blushes.

Hook looks jealous and angry and I am also angry.

"Moving on," I say,"maybe Gold has something. So Emma, Snow, and I will go and ask while Hook, other Hook, and Jack goes to see if Regina might know something. Any disagreements?" At that moment all three pirates raise their hand. "What?" I ask annoyed.

"Well I would like to stay with Ms. Swan," says Hook.

"Yes I would also like to stay with her because she did save my life," says the disney Hook.

"I would also like to stay with this Swan. She is a treasure," says Jack.

What is it with pirates and Emma? They are like attached to her. What does she have perfume that attracts pirates? Why can't she attract a prince or someone I would like? Where is Neil when you need him? (Yes I will even except the man who put my daughter in jail then pirates)

"Well if that is all," I start to say,"I guess we are sticking with my plan."

"Agreed," said Emma. Yes! She isn't arguing about not being paired with a pirate! "We should start heading now," she added. Then we start to walk away.


It was kinda of weird, all those guys wanted to stay and be with me. And they were all pirates! What is it with pirates and having a thing for me? And when Hook, not the disney Hook, wanted to stay with me it seemed like he did care and wasn't ignoring me.

Mary Margret must have noticed that something was up because she then stopped and turned to me,"Emma, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I reply.

"I mean you seem kinda dazed and it seems like something is wrong."

"Nothing wrong," I lied,"just lost in thought."

"Emma you're lying to me."

"What? No I'm not," I lied again.

"Is it about," she then leans in so David doesn't hear,"the pirates."


"Well you seem like you like Hook and he has been ignoring you, even though he likes you. You might want to know about that and that is bugging you. Or it is the other Hook maybe you like him." I then give her an are-you-kidding-me face. "Or maybe not. It could also be that Jack Sparrow seems to like you and you might like him because I saw you blushing."

"I do not like Jack Sparrow!"

"Well then, it has to be the Hook one."

"I guess it's just-" I was then interrupted.

"Are you guys coming!?" David yells already at Mr. Gold's shop.

HOOK'S P.OV (not disney Hook)

I can't believe I was paired up with these idiots. The one with the perm and waxed mustache keeps looking up in the air muttering 'I will find you pan' and the one with the long hair and silly hat keeps falling behind because of his stupid walk. These pirates aren't pirates they are just silly men in costumes.

We finally get to the Evil Queen's, or Regina's, office. I knock on the door and in a few seconds she answers the door. I see that she has company over and all I can see is a purple lady who had tentacles where her feet should be and a green lady who has a staff and a crow on her shoulder.

"Can I help you?" asks Regina.

"Yes you can," says Jack,"we need your help."

"What do you need my help for?"

"We need your help to bring these apparently, these diz-mer characters back to their world," I say.

She just pauses for a moment then says,"No," and slams the door in my face.


A/N: Sorry it took so long but I hope you like it. And when Hook was saying disney I hope you know I spelled it onporpous because that is how he is saying it. Just thought I tell you just in case. Well let me know what you think and don't forget to vote.

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