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"Now if you don't mind I would like another one of your kisses," Hook said after I slapped him, them kissed him on the cheek, then slapped him again.

I just roll my eyes and walk up the steps to the door. I then knock and wait.

"We already tried that love," said Hook.

"Yeah the door got slammed in his face," said Jack giggling,"it would have been worse if you had his big nose." He the pointed to the disney Hook.

"Excuse me," said disney Hook," would you like to say that to my Hook, mate?"

"Guys this is not the time," I said trying to break up the fight.

"The lady is right," Hook said helping me.

Hook and I ended up going in between disney Hook and Jack because their conversation then turned to a fist fight. And one has a hook for a hand. We got them separated a little bit until we couldn't hold it. Hook and I were right in the middle of the fight extremely close for my liking.

"This is not my doing," Hook said," but I am not arguing about it."

"Get off of me," I said.

"I can't I am kinda stuck in between two idiots," he said referring about disney Hook and Jack," and even if I could why would I want to." He then put his arms around me and I was trying to push him off. It started to look like the scene from the beanstalk (except with the two guys fighting side by side of us).

"Uh hum," we all stopped at the grunt we heard. I then looked up at the door and no other than Regina was standing there, arms crossed tapping her foot. "Some team you have here," she said in sarcasm,"two pirates who are fighting and then you are canoodling with your boyfriend."

"First off we are not canoodling and second he is not my boyfriend," I said in anger. "We just need your help getting the disney characters back to their world."

"And why would I help you?"

"Because this is what Henry would want you to do," I said throwing the Henry bomb on her.

"Fine, I will help. You see when I took the beans and then they were taken from me, I actually had a secret group of them. So it really wouldn't of mattered if the pirate came or not. I have five more of the beans and that should be enough to get them home."

"Thank you, bring the beans to my office. I have other things to deal with," I said as I looked at the three pirates who happened to all get in another fight while I was talking to Regina.

"I can see that," she said also seeing the fight," well, I will meet you there then. I will also have some friends coming with me."

"As long as you have the bean," I then walked away. While walking away I smacked the three pirates in the back of the head.

"Come on you goofballs," I said to them as they grumbled while rubbing their heads. They followed anyway.

We were then walking away.


A/N: Sorry this is short and sorry that it took me a while. I was at this water park called Kalahari and it was also my mom's birthday yesterday. Do you know or ever been to Kalahari? Let me know in comments and tell me what you think. Also vote if you like this chapter. Hope you like it and I will start working on the next chapter now.

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