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Hook and I got disney Hook (this day is going to be confusing) a room at Grannie's and put him in the bed. I was going to wait there until he woke up so I could ask him some questions.

"Well love I got to get going," said Hook getting up.

"Why where else do you have to be?" I asked not wanting him to go.

"I have errands I got to take care of," he said heading for the door.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer to me (closer than I wanted). "I hope the only thing on your list is helping me because that is all your doing today," I declared starting to get mad.

"Fine," he said like it didn't even matter,"but you owe me one love."

He sat back down and waited for a while then nothing. This guy must have really took a beating. Hook was about to get up and leave again until.........

CRASH!! That's when I got up and ran outside. Hook was right behind me. I look around and gasp at what I saw.

It was big and it crashed into the docks with some parts missing to both. I remember it has the Black Pearl from one of my favorite movies of all time. Coming out of the ship was Captain Jack Sparrow!

He walked in his normal funny way. He looked just like Johnny Depp except he wasn't him he was, JACK SPARROW! Finally someone who wasn't originally a cartoon. I can tell Hook saw my excitement.

"What is so great about this love?" Hook asked eyeing the Black Pearl and Sparrow.

"Well obviously if you are asking you don't know who this is," I said referring to Jack letting my excitement get the better of me.


I saw how excited Emma was and I didn't see why she was. All I saw was a pirate ship (which looked better than mine) and a pirate with a silly hat who can't even walk right. This pirate had a silly little beard and mustache.

The man walked up to us. "Hello there love," the pirate said referring to Emma. Only I can call her love. "If you can tell me where I am, that would be great."

"Y-yeah you are in Storybrooke," she said being somewhat, how you put it, starstruck.

"Well that seems nice. Now who are are you?" he said getting quite fancy with Emma.

"I am Captain Hook," I said cutting in on there flirting.

The pirate just laughed at this. "You mean your name, is Hook. What is that a nickname odor something."

"Actually yes," I said,"would you like to see why they call me that." I said more than asked. Than I put my hook right in his face.

I could see he gulped and then he started to move my hook away very carefully. "Your name does sound like you," he said poking my hook to see if it will hurt.


"O.K then," I said trying to stop a fight between the two captains. I then put out my hand for Jack to shake,"Hi I'm Emma Swam."

"A Swan," he said,"there's another one. Well I just hope you don't try to kill me like the other Elizabeth Swan."

"I hope I don't kill anyone either," I said giggling.

Behind me I hear footsteps and I turn around to see David and Mary Margret walk up to us. David still doesn't look happy.

Mary Margret walks to the side of me and David walks in between Hook and me (I didn't realize we were that close together). Then I hear more footsteps so I turn around and see disney Captain Hook also walk over.

"Hello there," disney Hook says to me ignoring everyone else,"I'm guessing you're my savior?"

"Actually she's my savior," says other Hook.

"Yes," I said referring to disney Hook,"I'm Emma Swan." I put out my hand for him to shake and he does which reveals his hook.

"Wait," said David noticing the hook,"TWO PIRATES!"

"Actually three pirates," saws Jack.


A/N: Sorry it took so long but I have been busy. I also wanted this to be perfect so I rewrote it twice. I love Jack Sparrow so I had to add him in there. I might for next chapter have Hook be jealous of Jack and David/Charming getting super mad that three pirates are trying to get Emma.

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