4 Melissa: Lucy

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Dedication: TheBaroness. She has reviewed countless times and has also really helped in promoting this story. Her story 'Sweet, Sweet Vengeance' is very awesome too...

So, the fourth chapter is here. It was really hard to write, as I knew what was coming in chapter five, and it was hard to lead you in without giving spoilers!

Please review and I will come straight back to you. Dedications are on offer!

Thank you all for reading!


Chapter 4- Lucy

(5 Weeks Later)

"And guess what? Not only did Lu pay for the car park, but she actually bought me lunch! Not just the expensive paninis from the cafe, but a whole tray of side-salads to share. I couldn't believe it... I never eat so well in my life! Do you think she's super-rich or something?"

"Yeah." I replied in a monotone, growing tired of her meaningless babbling. For the last ten minutes, Mia had bored me with the news of Lucy- a new girl in our form- who had suspiciously attached herself to my best friend. And, of course, I had to lie about what I thought. I wheeled my chair towards her. "She sounds cool."

"Lu's amazing at gymnastics... you should see the way she moves! Some people say that she came from this select dance academy, but she says she came from Lajamanu, a remote Australian town. There are actually flying fish there!"

I felt a lump in my throat. Mia, as far as I knew, had never talked about me in that obsessed way. "That must've sucked."

 "Huh?" I felt the air move as she turned to stare at me, hair slapping my face.

"It must've sucked when they landed." I laughed at the stupidity of this Lucy's statement. "Splat. Geddit?"

"Ew. I can't believe you thought of that. Triple ew."

Well, that went down well. There was a tense silence, and finally I spoke. "Well do you want to hear the good news?"

"Oh, yeah. Cool." Mia drummed her fingers on the bed-side table. "Well, get on with it. I need to get to classes!"

I ignored her snappy comment. "The school have agreed to take me... well... try to see if it's possible to take me back as a student. So basically, I'm out of hospital on Monday and back on track."

Frankly, I was more excited to be back with my cello than with my friends, by the way they were behaving recently.

"That's really good." There was a loud car hoot- on the note of C#, perfect pitch told me- and Mia suddenly stood up. "Oh, that's Lu... mustn't keep her waiting. She's a bad driver when she's in a hurry. Wouldn't want to be made blind in a stupid accident like you were, eh?"

I opened my mouth to argue back, to argue that the accident wasn't 'stupid' and neither was it our fault. But I was her best friend, and friends are there to support each other. "Drive safely, will you? I don't want you to be the one lying in the hospital. And say hello to Lucy for me."

"I will. See ya on Monday."

"Wait..." I spread out my right hand, wheeling towards her with my left. My heart sunk; although sometimes not the ideal visitor, Mia was the only friend who came. "You're not visiting me during the weekend?"

"Um... the truth is, I'm going to Cornwall to visit Lu's grandparents. They're dreadfully sick."

Like me, I thought sarcastically.

"Don't worry." I smiled. "Go cheer the oldies up... teach them our games and read them a few bedside stories. I hope you have fun."

I felt her gaze boring into me, almost as if she was doubting my honesty. "Could I take the crossword book to them?"

"The one you gave to me?"

"Well, you haven't looked-"

"No, please take it." I begged, not wanting her to make a fuss. "Just take it away."

I felt my whole body shaking, almost as if I was having a fit. Teardrops began to slide down my nose; I was crying. The tomboy, the girl who never felt anything before; was crying. I realised that there was a side of crying that nobody ever wrote about. Where the snot runs down your face and your eyes swell up red, and how the salt pinches your face.

"I think it'd be best if you did not visit for a while, miss, to elude upsetting the patient further." Feechi interjected, lifting me out of the wheelchair and onto the crisp bedsheets. In a whisper, she added, "Your friend's going through a hard time at the moment. Anything can unbalance her."

"Oh... I'm so sorry Melissa!" Mia chirped, but then the car hoot sounded again. "Gotta go! Bye!!"

Five minutes had hardly gone by before Doctor Rohan told me that my parents had arrived, and by the sound of things, they were not pleased...

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