10 Sebastian: Makeover

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I'm ill at the moment, which means that I can write more, but REVIEWS would really cheer me up and make me write faster, as well as all the other things you amazing fans can do.

This story is, as I said, going to be entered in the Watty Awards 2012.

So, if you think this story deserves it, please show your appreciation.



10 Sebastian: Makeover

"Keep still, Miss Finch... it's just a curling iron!" Lexi, head of the fashion team, held the iron close to my cheek, and I could feel the hot steam condensing on my skin. Who knows what it would do to the makeup that I was sure that they would apply next? "It won't hurt. Promise."

I pulled a doubtful face and gripped the sides of the chair. Nobody had briefed me, before the women themselves burst into my room, that I needed a makeover for my introduction before dinner that night. Hailee, a plump older woman, then began to wrap strands of my plain blond hair around the iron, holding it for a tense ten or so seconds. Every time she tugged at the roots, I grimaced, and I kept imagining the smell of burning.

"Why are you making me someone who I'm not?" I finally asked, annoyed, hot, and feeling extremely gullible. "I'm not fashionable... I don't curl my hair, or wear-"

"Miss, Weymere is a big place full of opportunities for life outside school." Hailee paused, swallowing. "First impressions are important; there will be many important figures tonight, coming not only to see the new student at one of the finest music academies in the world, but a blind cellist, who has been offered a scholarship. Our job is to make an already beautiful face look like a model on the front- cover of a fashion magazine."

I felt a swell of happiness from the indirect compliment, but, I thought, I bet they say exactly that to everyone. "But I'm not beautiful, and-"

"Oh, don't be ridiculous." Lexi interrupted, throwing the hairdryer down on the floor. "You're even more gorgeous than... Melody Summers!"

"Be quiet, or she'll hear you!" Flora, the specialist in makeup, quickly closed the door.

"Who's this Melody?" I asked cautiously. "She's not a scholar..."

"Miss Summers is the idol of the school, and the long-time girlfriend of Mr. Howard." I felt my heart sink as Flora said those words; Sebastian would, most likely, not have time to show me around with his girlfriend clinging to his side. And those fan-girls... does his girlfriend not seem to be one of them?

This was all a joke.

"You all right, Miss Finch?" Hailee asked, resting a hand on my shoulder. "You look a little pale."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied, racking my brain for a probable excuse. "I'm just worried about tonight... it's all so new to me. But yeah..."

"We understand." Lexi gave my hair a final tug and beckoned for Flora to approach for the make-up. "And by the way... I wouldn't say yeah. It's yes at Weymere, at least among the governors and teachers."

 "Yes, Lexi." I smiled reassuringly. "I understand perfectly well."

Flora cleared her throat. "So, I'm going to put some heavy eye make-up on. Try not to blink, or indeed, let your eyes water." Scientifically, how was I supposed to do that? "You have large pupils, probably to do with your... lack of sight... and adding more dark powder will help bring the colour out. It'll make you look cute, even innocent!" I felt the brush slide over my eyelids, then back again. "That's the base-colour on. Now for the navy-blue..."


 After another hour of pasting, brushing, and stretching, I was in my the 'sapphire' silken evening-dress that I chose from my wardrobe. My parents had given them my measurements in advance, so that all my designer clothing was ready when I arrived. Amazing, right?

My curled hair was tucked into a bun, a few strands left to escape down the side of my face. The pale foundation stuck to my skin and my eyelashes were heavy with mascara, but I felt strangely comfortable and confident. At least Flora had respected my wish to not wear lipstick.

"Time to go on stage." Lexi nudged me gently. "Go, miss... I know you'll be fantastic. I can see it in you... you're going to make it at Weymere."

I wrapped my left arm around her shoulders in a brief hug. I clutched my cello in my right hand; it was a Weymere tradition, apparently, that the crowd should always see the instrument of the new student, as well as the person herself.

As I ran my hand down my back, massaging the sore vertebrae from the accident, I felt sweat collect between my fingers. There would be hundreds of fellow musicians out there, expecting the miraculous new scholar, and I had to find a way to please them all. Or there would be trouble.

With heavy legs and a heavy heart, I walked through the gap in the curtains and met my fate.

The crowd fell silent.


Cliffhanger! :)


Pretty please? I'm ill...

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