Chapter 2 Him and Hundreds of Tears!

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Liv's P.O.V.

            It was Josh Divine. That bitch probably does know One Direction.

"Hi, is One Direction here, babe?" He asked and then he checked me out. I scoffed at 'babe' and him checking me out.

           I bet if he knew it was Olivia Rose, he would think 'Wow, she turned into a babe'. Olivia Rose was another name I used. I like to keep my first name but always change my last name.

"Yeah, One Direction is here," I said and then turned around and screamed," Hey! This guy Josh Devine is here!"

"Guys! Our drummer is here!" Niall said. Oh so he's the drummer.

"Come in," I said.

El and the boys rushed here. I saw El raise an eyebrow at me. Dang it! She knows something happened between me and this jerk! 

"Hey Josh, this is my best friend, Olivia Renners, and Liv this is Josh Devine," El said and I saw Josh flinch at my first name.

"You can call me Liv," I said.

           They went to sit on the couch. They left, but I stayed. I felt some tears silently dropping from my light blue eyes. The bell rang again.

"Guys! I'll get it," I screamed through my tears. I opened the door and saw Dean and Sam. I ran and hugged Dean by literally jumping on him.

"Wow, what where they doing like literally torturing you?" He asked chuckling. I started crying with noise. He stopped chuckling.

"Josh is here," I said and I felt him and Sam tense. Sam was rubbing my back.

"How dare that bitch be here," Dean growled.

         Okay. Now you may wonder, what happened with Josh? Well, when my dad left, I was crushed. I started eating to clear the stress. I grew fat and I was literally 180 lbs. You know how I went with Dean when Sam was in collage. I did go to school. I was in high school. I was very overweight for a 15 year old. If you want to know, I am 18 now. I was luck to even get a date in high school. I was so shocked that a boy asked me out and that was Josh. He was sweet and loving. We were going great according to me, but then one day I went over to the park to think. I saw a boy talking to Josh. I was going to go over to him, but I was tired so I just sat down under a tree close to where they were. I heard them talking. They were talking about me and how he completed a dare. The dare was about going out with the ugliest girl in school and Josh picked me. He had to steal her first kiss and their virginity. He was getting close to the virginity part. I was outraged and started to cry so much. At that time, I stayed with Uncle Paul. That is how I know him so well. Uncle Paul asked me about what happened and I told him. He was very mad. I had never seen him that mad before, but he didn't know who he exactly was and I only told him Josh's first name. He told me that I should drop out of school and hunt with Dean. Dean did say that he needed a lot of help. I went to school the next day and broke up with Josh. Josh was angry as hell. He-he-he even hit me. From that day on, I never went to school and grew skinnier. I went hunting with Dean. Dean and Sam never knew Josh and so did he.

"It's okay," Dean said kissing my forehead.

"Is she okay?" El asked. Wow! I never knew she was here.

"Yeah, she is. Just tell the others that Liv left with her brothers," Sam said.

"Give her to me," Sam commanded Dean. I felt my self being lifted up and held by strong arms that belong to my brother.

We left towards our room. I felt my self being laid on a comfortable bed.

"Thank you, Dean and Sam," I said.

"Don't worry, sis. We are your brothers," Dean said. I felt Dean and Sam give me a kiss on my forehead.

I fell into a peaceful sleep.


       I woke up from my slumber. I felt some strong arms around me and saw that it was Dean hugging me. Ahhh! He is so cute. I'll just make some breakfast. I pryed off Dean's arms. I got out of bed and went to get clothing from my suitcase. I was still wearing my clothes from last night. I went towards the bathroom and toke a shower. I got out of the shower and put on my clothes that I chose. I was wearing some jean short shorts with a flower print top and a white sweater on top of my top. I wore a necklace with a Cross on it. I know it doesn't work on Demons, but it sure is stylish. I looked pretty good. I went into the kitchen to make some pancakes and some pie. I brought some ingredients with me. I made them and woke up Dean and Sam. Also, last minute I decided to make some for that boy band and El. I know she loves my food. Right now it was 9:00 sharp. I went towards their room. I had already ate 2 pancakes and a slice of pie. I rang the door. There was some shuffling and the door opened to reveal Harry. I smiled at him and he gave one back to me.

"I was making some food and thought I should make some for you guys," I said.

"Sure, come in and what happened yesterday?" he asked.

"Oh nothing, just felt sick," I replied.

I entered the kitchen to see El there lost in thoughts. I set down the plate full of pancakes and slices of pie. She snapped out of it and looked up. She noticed me and got up smiling ear to ear. She then hugged me.

"Thank god! You are okay. Here I was thinking something bad happened. Do you not like Josh or did something happen between you two? Or you just don't like One Direction and their annoying?" She asked. I chuckled.

"No. That isn't it. It is just that me and Josh have bad history. I'll tell you later," I said.

I went to warm the pancakes and slices of pie. There was a dinning table in this room. Wow! These hotels are cool. I put the food in separate plates and put them on the table. El helped me.

"Guys! Come and get your food!" Harry yelled.

Niall was the first on here. One by one they came and the room was full of noises of pleasure. I am guessing they liked it.

"Wow! I never knew you were that good of a cook. You should be like a chef. I would definitely come to your restaurant often!" Niall exclaimed.

"I know! I totally would, too," El exclaimed.

"Me, three," Harry said.

"Me, four!" Zayn exclaimed.

"Me, five," Liam said.

"I am just speechless of how good this is," Lou exclaimed. I chuckled.

"Well, my mom was a good cook and so was my dad," I said.

"What do you mean was?" Niall asked.

This broke my heart. My mom was dead and I think my dad was too. I had never seen my mom. She died when the demon came into mine and Sam's room. I was 1 months old while Sam was a 2 year old. He went to Sam first, but never got to me. My mom stopped him.

"They are dead," I said.

Everyone silenced. The doorbell rang and I went to open it. I saw Dean, Sam and a person behind them.

"We have some one you might want to meet," Dean said.

"Guys! I am going to talk with my brothers!" I screamed.

I saw that it was...

Author's note: How do you like it?

Comment and like if you want. Oh and thanks for the people that commented on the story! Now I know you like it! Oh, I am sorry for not updating. I had a lot of stuff happening.

Peace, y'all! ;D

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