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Arthur gracefully laid one leg over the other and flipped a page in his book. "I'm bored." He let Alfred know. Alfred frowned. When Arthur acted like that, a crazy idea almost always followed. "And what do you suggest?" Arthur calmly closed his book and put it on the table. "Let's have sex." Alfred raised an eyebrow. "Really Arthur? Sex? I was expecting more. Normally, you suggest-"
"I'm not done yet." Arthur interrupted him. "What I'm saying is," He stood up and walked over to Alfred, "let's have have sex- but at the same time not." Now Alfred was utterly confused and it probably showed on his face as well. "And how exactly do you plan that to work?" Arthur turned away from him again and started making tea. "As you probably noticed, none of us is horny." Now that hew mentioned it, yes. "So, the plan is, we just do something else until one of us gets horny. Whoever looses control first will be commanded by the other for the rest of the week." Ah, there it was, the glint in Arthur's eyes that appeared whenever he planned something kinky. Alfred didn't know whether he should agree or not. It sounded tempting, but that glint in Arthur's eyes told him danger. Fuck it. "Sure." He said and leaned back, turning the TV off. "Oh no, leave it on." Arthur finished making his tea and turned back to Alfred. Alfred switched the TV on again. "Alright, let's get on with it." Arthur put the cup on the table and proceeded to take off his pants. When he noticed that Alfred didn't budge, he frowned. "You can't have sex  fully clothed, you do remember that?" Theoretically they could, and they already had done it that way. Lift stuck? Sex. No one else left at work except them? Sex. Class trip in high school? Sex, of course they had sex. Alfred didn't know anyone else who was so sex-driven like Arthur. Oh yes, he always appeared to be proper and all, but the truth was, he was kinkier than hell. Nevertheless, Alfred also took his pants and underwear off like Arthur. "And now?" Arthur motioned him to sit down, then proceeded to rub his dick to get it hard. Alfred bit down a moan, damn, he was already getting horny and watching Arthur fingering himself didn't really help. After a while, Arthur deemed Alfred hard enough, got his tea, put it down within reach and laid on the stool. Alfred wondered what he would do next when Arthur started pushing the stool with himself on it closer, lifting his ass a bit, and sliding down onto Alfred's dick with a single smooth motion. He stretched out his hand, pulled his cup over and took a sip out of it, satisfied with himself. Alfred figured the game started now, so he ignored the tightness that engulfed his dick and changed channels to watch some random Disney movie that was currently on. He wasn't going to loose.

Fucking hell. Arthur had thought Alfred would loose his patience faster, but here they were, the movie almost ended, his tea was empty and Arthur wasn't sure he could keep this up much longer. He had lied about not being horny. If he wasn't, he wouldn't have suggested this little 'game'. Arthur shifted a bit, Alfred's dick inside him shifted as well and brushed over his prostate. Arthur jolted and shivered. Yet, he was determined not to loose, so he stayed still.

It was impossible. Almost two hours had passed by now and each time one of them moved even the slightest bit, it was heaven and hell at the same time. Alfred would brush against Arthur's prostate, Arthur would tighten around his dick, both would shudder in pleasure, but no one would give up. Arthur knew he wouldn't last much longer. Alfred knew as well. it was only a matter of time. But Arthur remained stubborn.

Alfred saw Arthur shiver again. He probably would give up soon. He had been shivering for a while. So Alfred leaned forward, wanting to coax Arthur into giving up, for his own good, but something happened, Arthur shivered again, let out a little, almost inaudible moan and tightened around him. Fuck. Alfred lost it. He couldn't stand it anymore, seeing Arthur like this and not being able to pleasure him. He flipped Arthur around and attacked him with kisses and nips everywhere, pushed his sweater up and unbuttoned his dress shirt, almost ripping it open. He twisted the two small pink nubs on Arthur's chest, Arthur arched his back and let out a very satisfying moan. A grin brushed over Alfred's face. Once again he found himself nipping and sucking on Arthur's soft skin and erect nipples. Moans spilled from Arthur's mouth like a waterfall, god, he must have been horny and tense all the time. It was a wonder how he could even last that long without snapping. Alfred pulled Arthur closer by grabbing his hips, Arthur wound his arms around Alfred's neck and Alfred sat up, pulling Arthur in his lap in the process. Both paused for a moment, panting, then it was sucking and kissing and stroking again. "Now get those nice hips of yours working." Alfred said somewhere in between two kisses and heaven, Arthur did. Starting out small, grinding and rolling them back and forth, but soon he was thrusting them up and down at a fast pace, making Alfred almost loose his sanity. Arthur cried out with each hit of his dick into his prostate, clenching around him each time, driving Alfred closer to the edge.  Soon, Arthur was getting closer, his thrusts became sloppy and uneven, his head lolled to the side and he started to drool. Alfred flipped their positions, pinning Arthur to the couch and fucked the hell out of him. Arthur cried out loudly, screamed Alfred's name and came. Alfred came two seconds later, groaning Arthur's name as he did. They both panted heavily, all the built-up tension was released in one go. "That," Alfred struggled to speak, "was amazing." Arthur didn't respond. He couldn't, being still caught in a dizzy state of ecstasy. Alfred chuckled, wrapped his arms around Arthur's back and pulled him up in a sitting position, letting him lean on his shoulder. After a few minutes, Arthur finally spoke. "So," his voice was a bit hoarse from screaming, "I won?" Alfred snorted. "Like hell! I won!" Arthur sat up properly. "You lost control first!"

"No I didn't! You did!"

"Yeah, right!"

This would probably take a while to sort out.

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