Write Me

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It is said, that if you really are a soulmate with someone, whatever you write on your body will appear on theirs. Alfred always believed in this myth. He always believed he would someday meet his soulmate with the help on whatever they wrote on his body. But sadly, his body stayed blank. Alfred always assured himself, his soulmate just had to be a very tidy person who didn't write on their body. He tried contacting them by writing 'Hey' or 'Hello' or 'How are you?', but it always wore off before he got any kind of reply. But Alfred didn't give up. He didn't care whether they were omega, beta or even alpha. He just wanted to know. Of course an omega would be awesome since he himself was an alpha, but after some point he didn't care anymore. The majority of the world was populated by betas afterall. It was most likely a beta. A beta that wasn't interested in him. Alfred stared at his blank as a white sheet body and sighed. Did he even have a soulmate?

The alarm beeped annoyingly loud, the young alpha groaned, shifted and slammed his hand on the snooze button. He rubbed his eyes with one hand, yet another long day with probably no sign of his soulmate. That's when he saw it. Neat, proper handwriting on his wrist. It was small and cursive and he almost couldn't read it, but there it was. He squinted his sleepy eyes. 'Buy pads' it said. Pads? Alfred was confused. Years on focussing on his soulmate only and he knew close to nothing on anatomy of any being that wasn't an alpha male like himself. He faintly remembered omegas and female betas used pads. What for again? Didn't matter. He had something written on his wrist. And he didn't write it himself. Joy bubbled through him. He was wide awake by now. He hurriedly grabbed a pen, clicked it and scribbled his answer. 'What for?' He didn't have to wait long. Soon, his answer came. 'Are you an idiot?' Usually, Alfred would be insulted, but he was too happy to care. 'Sorry, I was thinking about who you could be all the time, so I didn't always pay attention in class.' This time the answer took a while. Was his mate embarrassed? 'I figured.' Apperantly not. 'So, what are they for?' His response came faster than expected. 'My heat, you idiot!' Heat! Alfred's heart was beating excitedly. It was an omega! And right before their heat, too! But then again... 'How come now is the first time you answer me? I wrote you a couple of times, but you never answered.'
'Then you always wrote either when I was asleep or in my heat. I don't have the time or patience to look for some words on my body then, I'm busy with something else. I wouldn't just ignore something written all over my arm like now.' True, Alfred's handwriting was a bit messy and not small like his soulmate's, but they were exaggerating. 'It's not that big!'
'Oh yeah? If you wrote like I do, you would have used half the space you did.'
'Not nice dude.'
'But true. Now, if you excuse me, I have to buy pads since my heat will start tomorrow and I don't want to cover the whole flat in slick.' Alfred gulped and stared at his arm. His soulmate's heat had to be intense. God, that was hot.

About a week later, he figured their heat had to be over by now (he knew at least this much) and decided to find out if they were okay. 'Hey, you alright? How was your heat?' The answer took a while and the writing was crooked and messy. 'It's still on.' Oh. Oh. It seemed like Alfred got a mate with really intense heats. Wow. Just the thought turned him on. His soulmate was barely able to write properly. He tried to imagine them, sitting in a nest, leaking slick, pushing a dildo inside them, what promptly caused a reaction downstairs. Alfred groaned. Seriously? He took off his pants and underwear to release himself. There, he discovered a small sentence on his inner thigh. He almost didn't see it, but it was clearly there. 'You imagined it, didn't you?' The writing was still sloppy, his soulmate didn't lie about their heat. But how did they know? 'It's obvious.' His answer came. Looked like whoever it was, was psychic. Didn't matter. He got more urgent matters to take care of. Like the throbbing of his dick.

His heat was over. Finally. Arthur said. He still didn't know how his body got the idea to have ten day long heats every month. He settled down and leant back in his nest. He grabbed the pen he had taken with him when his heat started, in case he would get a message. 'Where do you live?' He didn't have to wait long. A small smile tilted his lips upwards when the messy note on his arm appeared. 'In the US of A! ☆' Arthur groaned. Not only was his soulmate American, he also was an idiot. Nothing new to Arthur though, their previous messages gave it away. 'I want an adress, not a patriotic label on my arm.' A few moments later, an adress appeared on his arm, written more neatly and better to read. Arthur copied it. He allowed himself a grin. Oh, the expression on his soulmate's face would be great.

It has been over two weeks. More than two weeks without any note of his soulmate. Alfred checked his arm for what it felt like the billionth time. Nothing. He sighed. Checked again three seconds later. 'Buy pads'. Alfred frowned. What? The doorbell rang. Alfred groaned. He didn't have time for that now. That was the first note in over two weeks and he had to respond! The doorbell rang again, longer this time. Alfred grumbled something that was not very polite about tge person who rang and trutted down the stairs. He openend the door, his annoyance clearly visible on his face. In front of him stood an absolutely stunning male omega, a coy smile on his cherry lips, bight green eyes looking at him, his soft hair fell slightly in his face when he tilted his head, a soft blush on his cheeks. "Buy pads?" He asked (oh dear lord, he had a Britsh accent) and held up his wrist, where exact the same phrase was written on. Alfred stared at his wrist, at his face, checked his own wrist again, yes, the words matched, THEY MATCHED. "You!" He blurted out. "Me." The omega confirmed. "The name's Arthur, by the way." He added. "Glad to finally meet you." Alfred swallowed dryly. Fuck, his mate was cute. And hot. Was it just him or was Arthur's scent intoxicating? "Can I come in?" Arthur glanced at his suitcase. Alfred just openend the door wider. "Make yourself a home."

A smirk played on Arthur's lips. "I plan to." Oh, and how he planned to. He didn't wait nearly three weeks for nothing. His heat would be in a couple days and he was planning to use it to his full advantage.

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