Tea is better than coffee afterall

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"Morning Arthur!" A cheerful greeting sounded through the still rather calm streets. The person spoken to turned around to meet eyes with a girl a bit younger than him. "Mai." He nodded to her and continued to open up the coffee shop. It had always been his dream to own a little shop in the pedestrian area, where people bustled around, passed by and decided to drop in. Mai, an alpha around his age and regular at his shop with blue-ish green dyed hair and silver eyes, smiled at him. "Opening up early as always. Anything I can help with?" She sometimes helped unofficially (and unpaid) out whenever someone called sick or there were too many guests. Arthur never knew where she took the time. She didn't really seem to know herself, either. "No, not right now. But could you help a little during the rush hour?" She nodded. "Sure. I'll be there at eleven. But for now, I'm all in for an Earl Grey to go. Could you fix me one when you finished setting up?" Arthur nodded, her strange accent still tingling in his ears. She blamed too many trips to other countries for it. "Come in." He openend the door and she followed him inside. She patiently waited for her tea, took it and paid. "Sadly, I can't stay that long now, but I'll be sure to be there at eleven. See ya!" She waved and left. Arthur smiled a little. She was a nice girl and while some omegas could fall for her easily, he didn't. She just wasn't his type.

"So, anything as special offer today?" Mai asked as she tied an apron behind her back, slipping off her trademark headphones and trying (failing) to put that one curl that refused to stay down into a hair bun with the rest of her messy hair. "You should cut them." Arthur commented as he saw her struggle, to which she only flashed him a scowl and growled a low "Never.". Arthur rolled his eyes. Girls and their hair. He didn't get it.
The door openend, the bell rang and a quite handsome alpha entered the currently empty shop, shortly followed by an omega girl. He at first thought they were a couple, but they sat down at different tables. He studied the alpha male closer, blonde hair, bright blue eyes, glasses, were these muscles he could see under his shirt?, tall and all in all gorgeous. "A literal ray of sunshine, right?" Mai commented as she was drying a cup, a dreamy tone in her voice. "Yeah." Arthur sighed. "Beautiful." Mai turned to him and frowned. "Since when are you into omegas?"
"Since when are you into alphas?"
Mai blinked then pointed in the direction the omega girl was sitting. "I meant her, obviously." Arthur just shook his head. "I meant him." Mai shot him a glance. "He's okay, I guess." He was certainly more than just okay, but Arthur wouldn't discuss that with Mai right now. The omega girl seemed to have decided on her order. "I'll take it." Mai grabbed the notes and a pencil and almost skipped over to take the order. Arthur shook his head and returned to cleaning the already spotless counter when a small clearing of a throat interrupted his thoughts. The alpha at the counter was ready to have his order taken. Arthur walked over to him. "What would you like to order, sir?" God, his eyes were even bluer up close than five meters away. How was that possible? "A double cappuccino with sprinkles please." A smooth voice ordered. Heavens, Arthur would like this voice to whisper all kind of things in his ear. "Immediatly sir." He smiled at the man. "Call me Alfred." Arthur's heart skipped a beat. "Immediatly, Alfred." He skittered off to make the order.
Since when did making a coffee take so long? He wanted to see Alfred again as soon as possible and that bloody coffee machine took too long. It beeped, he sighed, covered the cappuccino with extra many sprinkles and carried it over to Alfred. "There you are." He smiled. Why did he smile so much around this man? Sometimes he needed to force himself to smile at customers. "Thanks dude!" Alfred beamed. "It's Arthur." Arthur found himself saying. "Thanks Artie!" Arthur scowled. "Arthur." He insisted. "Nah, I like Artie better. A cute name for a cute guy." Alfred winked and took a sip of his cup. Arthur turned red. Alfred was flirting so shamelessly and open with him. Then again, except them only Mai and this omega girl she seemed to be busy with, no one else was here. Though that would change quickly, the lunch breaks started soon and then it would be packed. "I'm not cute." He muttered, but Alfred probably couldn't hear it anyway. "Hey." His thoughts were interrupted again. "Are you free this Sunday?" Arthur looked surprisedly at Alfred. "Sunday? No, sorry, but if Monday is okay with you, I'm free then." He almost stumbled over his words, so eager was he to meet up with this beautiful almost-stranger that captivated every bit of him. "Monday sounds awesome." Alfred grinned and emptied his cup, putting a ten dollar bill on the counter and turned to leave. "I'll see ya on Monday then." He winked and left. Arthur's knees gave in and he sunk on the floor. That scent! These eyes! This voice! These muscles! This hair! Everything about Alfred seemed so perfect and made him weak. Was it too early to say he was in love?

Mai grinned when she pulled off the apron after rushing hour was over, at the same time retrieving a napkin from her pocket. "I got her name, her number and the promise of a date! How about you and Mr. American Dream?" Arthur blushed. How did she- "I got a date on Monday." He muttered. "Well, good luck then!" Mai waved and left. "Thanks..." Arthur wasn't heard anymore.

"And? How did it go with that Brit?" A female voice belonging to an omega with short black and blue hair asked Alfred. Alfred had to lean on a lamp pole for support, now that he got out of the shop, his adrenaline wore off and his nerves kicked in. "Good, I guess?" His voice was shaking. "His name is Arthur and he agreed on a date on Monday. But, his scent, June, his scent, he was just out of heat! That drove me crazy and I had to leave earlier than I wanted to." June shook her head, not knowing whether he was complaining or not. "Alfred, I think you still have a long way to go if you really want to court him. As for me, I'm going to let myself be courted by that waitress." She gave him a last smile, half reassuring, half pitying, patted his shoulder and left in the direction of her home. "Good luck with that Brit!" Were her last words he could hear.

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