Chapter 3- Killer Dinner

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Chapter 3- Killer Party

Small warning: There will be graphic sexual detail in this chapter, please read at own risk.

Brooke's POV-

Unknown number: Hello Brooke, liked dinner tonight? Maybe you should ask your father about the secret ingredient.

Me: Who is this?

Unknown number: The real question is, who was in your dinner?

Assuming it was probably Jake trying to frighten me I brushed it off and carried on with folding my laundry. That's until my phone started ringing.

"Look here Jake, I'm not in the mood to play your little games tonight so stop or else-"

"Or else what?" A voice on the other end spoke, and not one that sounded familiar either.

"Who is this?" I demanded.

"Like I said before, more like 'who was in my dinner that my dearest father made me" He then chuckled deeply.

"Why don't you stop talking to me or else, you'll regret it." I snapped.

"No sweetheart, you'll regret it, looks like you already are by the way your facial expression screams "I'm so helpless."

"What are you talking about?"

"I can see you sweetheart." Just as I went to hang up he screamed into the phone.

"DON'T YOU DARE HANG UP ON ME BROOKE OR ELSE YOU'LL REGRET IT." That's when the pang in my stomach hit and I hung up quickly running to lock the French doors in my room, closing the curtains while doing so.

Unknown number calling

"What do you want?" I asked in clenched teeth.

"It's obvious, can't you see? I want you miserable. I want you to feel the same exact way as I did when you broke my heart, I loved you Brooke, but now I have to kill you after I kill everyone you've ever loved."

"You're crazy, goodbye." I then hung up and blocked whoever the caller was.

Right after I blocked the number and set down my phone it went off again, getting beyond aggravated, I ran down the stairs to see my father in the kitchen.

Maybe you should ask your father about the secret ingredient.

"Hey dad.."

"Yes Brooke?"

"Uhh.. what's for dinner?" I couldn't help but chicken out, I wasn't ready, I had to embrace myself first.

"Left overs." He smiled. Here's my chance.

"The meat is delicious, what is it?" I didn't want to seem suspicious.

"It's a homemade receipt that your mother made before she went on vacation." He looked into the fridge while spoke.

"When is mom coming home?" Now it's my turn to become suspicious.

"Uhm, I- I'm not sure." He hesitated, and that's when it hit me, I ate my own mother.

"I'll be right back." I gave a queasy smile, ran up stairs and into the bathroom to throw up.  I went to pull out my phone out of my pocket to dial Jake.


"Hola hottie." He chimed into the phone, of course he'd pick up on one ring, but no time to complain.

"Please come over fast, no questions."

"No need for explanation to know you want this d-"

"CAN YOU SHUT UP FOR ONCE JAKE? GET OVER HERE!" And that's when I started sobbing into the phone and hung up. Jake arrived in less then ten minutes and I fixed my make up and went down stairs to let him in, leading him into my room, shutting the door behind.

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