Chapter 2- Nina

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Chapter 2- Nina

Shawn's POV-

"Looks like we have two new kids." A girl who I suppose was named Emma, (I guessed by the blonde chick sitting next to her calling her name) whispered.

"The guy two seats behind you is Kieran, and the guy in the corner is Shawn." I heard the blonde girl say, not exactly knowing her name.

"Brooke." The teacher, Mr. Branson said.

"Yes?" She answered, irritated.

"Mind answering a question for me?"

"If it's the question you asked over text, Saturday night, 9pm." She answered amusingly.

"Ehem, not the time for jokes, Brooke." He said a bit nervously.

"Right, I'm sorry Mr.B. What's your question?" She smiled mischievously leaning forward.

"Never mind.. Shawn." He caught me off guard and I sat up.

"Yes sir?" Suddenly, all eyes turn towards me.

"Do you mind answering what genre originated with the Castle of Otranto?"


"You can't do a slasher movie as a tv series." Luckily the smart kid answered.

"Here goes Noah, again." Brooke said rolling her eyes as she takes out her phone.

"Think about it. Girl and her friends arrive at the dance, the camp, the deserted town whatever. Killer-with-a-gimmick takes out one-by-one. Nighty minutes later, the sun comes up as the girl sits in the back of an ambulance watching her friends bodies get wheeled past. Roll credits." Noah went on and on.

"Thank you very much Noah." Mr.Brandon smiled.

"You're very welcome." Noah smiled.


I don't know why I had to go to grief counseling, but I did. I didn't even know the girl, but by the sound of it, I'm glad I don't. I sat in near the back where I see the new kid Kieran, Brooke, Emma, Noah, and a girl with long black hair, a girl I heard about all day whose name is Audrey (who particularly didn't want to be here by the facial expressions she made), a guy with blonde hair and a guy with black hair who looks like could be a Hollister model, no homo.

"This sucks! No one has details on the murder." The guy said.

"Why do we have to be here?" Noah asked.

"Its the mandatory part of mandatory grief counselling." Emma answered.

"One of Nina's neighbors peeked over the fence, he tweeted that her neck was sliced ear to ear, maybe Brandon James is back." The guy grinned.

"Gross, didn't need to know that Jake." Brooke grimaced.

"Who's Brandon James?" Kieran asked.

"Brandon James killed a bunch of high school students, and others twenty-five years ago." Noah said showing him a picture of the guy.

"Hey, wait a second. Where's Tyler?" The girl with long black hair got off topic. She seemed to be more aware than the others.

"Wait a second, that's actually a great question, guys, Ryley has a point, where's Tyler?" Brooke frowned, worried.

"Don't worry, Tyler is probably hiding in his room bawling like a baby over Nina." Jake joked.

I just sat back as I listened to everyone rant, waiting for the counselling, that I don't need to be over with. I wasn't exactly having a sour mood about it, I just didn't see the point of making the new kid go to grief counselling over someone he didn't even know.  At the same time I somewhat felt bad for her, she couldn't have been that bad of a person.

"Alright, you guys may be dismissed." One of the teachers announced.

I gathered my things together and as I began to leave, I bumped into someone.

"Watch it! I could've fell-" Brooke snapped as she turned around, she noticed who she was talking to.

"I'm sorry, I should've been watching where I was going an-" I just wanted to get out of this situation.

"No, no need to apologize, I'm the one whose sorry, I thought you were Jake or something. You must be Shawn, I'm Brooke."

"Nice to meet you." I went to shake her hand, but I ended up dropping everything.

"Nice to meet you too, here, let me help." She laughed, gathering everything.

"Such an original love story, bravo. Metal or certificate?"

"What do you want Jake?" She snapped.

"Thank you, I'll see you later." Just the right timing too, I wanted to be alone. It wasn't that I didn't want friends, but it's that new kid anxiety.

"Look what you've done." She blamed him as I walked away.

I swear they're like 5 year olds arguing or an old couple arguing. Home here I come. Well, sorta home. It's more like a suite or a hotel room for the time being while I'm here for my singing career. I'm hoping time will fly by, because I will be here for a while.


Second Chapter! Not sure how I feel about the ending. How do you guys feel?

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