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  • Dedicated to Personqwer, Kenta-kun51 and Inspectork1412 on deviantART

Hello, and welcome to the world of Pokémon!

"I don't mean to be rude, but I thought I was already in the world of Pokémon."

No, this is a different world than what you know... This is the region where only Pokémon exist.

"But why am I going there?"

That, you must find out yourself.

"A bit mysterious, are we?"

...Yes. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure why you are going there. I was simply sent to escort you.

"Um... Okay then."

Anyways, you wouldn't mind if I asked you a few questions, would you? I need to find out what Pokémon you will become.

"I'm going to be a Pokémon? Coolness!"

Yes... Erm... Coolness.

Well, on to the interview. Please, answer every question as honestly as you can. I expect that you are a bit... outgoing?

"Oh, no, no, no!"

Ah. Then why are you asking so many questions?

"Oh! I'm sorry! I'll stop!"

...No. That was supposed to be an actual question. I don't mind if you ask me questions.

"Oh... Well... It's because I don't know if this is even real or not, so..."

I see. Well, then, why aren't you outgoing?

"I really don't know. I just... don't like to be around people that much, that's all."

What about Pokémon?

"Oh, I love being around Pokémon! They're so fun to play with, and I love watching battles, even though I'm not so good at them myself."

Are you satisfied with what you've accomplished in your life?

"No, because I know that I could have done so much more."

What do you think you could have accomplished?

"Well... I could have made my parents happier. And I could have made more of an effort to find my brother."

What happened to him?

"He disappeared without a trace a few years ago. No one has a clue what happened to him. We just woke up one morning, and he was gone."

Oh... Yes...

"What- why are you laughing?"

You may just find your brother yet.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

You'll see, you'll see...

Anyhow, I am finished interviewing you. But before I tell you what Pokémon you are, I must assess your aura. Relax, and let yourself calm down. That's it. Just stay calm, I'm not going to hurt you...

Alright. I'm done. Your aura appears to be a sky blue.

"Blue... I like that color."

Now, are you ready to hear what Pokémon you are?

"Yes. I suppose it's now or never."

Interesting... While you were very jumpy and excited earlier, you seem to have taken on an almost authoritative tone.

I suppose I should get on with your Pokémon. Tell me if anything I say is incorrect.

You appear to have the Jolly nature. While you can be shy, you make friends quickly, and your personality is just as flexible. Sometimes, you are nervous and shy, but other times you can be more cheerful than most thought was possible. You have no problem with playing the leader, as long as you are following a path you believe in. You're as quick to cry as you are to laugh, and you change moods more often in a day than an Ekans sheds its skin in a year.

So, a Jolly person like you...

...will be an Eevee!

Now, are you ready to enter the world of Pokémon?


Good luck on your adventures to come! You'll need it in a tough world like this one.


Author's Note: Just to let you guys know, if you request a character, there's a good chance I'll incorporate them into the story... ;3

Also, this is NOT a rewriting of either game. It is my own plot, although it takes place in the Mystery Dungeon Universe.

One last thing... Echo the Eevee and (minor spoilers)Fern the Chikorita is my actual team in Sky, except Fern is just named Chikorita. There is a third member I take wherever I can, but I won't say his name or species, because that would be a major spoiler... ;3

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