[ 4 ]

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The evening flies by at a pace that astounds me to a new level of uncomprehension. In what feels like no time at all, Chris, who has quickly become a very close friend, has to leave. At the thought, my face falls and, whilst I thought nobody had noticed, Chris comes over to me, a look of concern rooted in his eyes.

"You okay?" He asks, worry present in his tone if voice. I nod my head and smile however I am positive that it looks about as fake as it could possibly be. He shoots me a sarcastic, questioning look, tilting his head to the side slightly before raising one eyebrow.

"Seriously, what's up?" His tone becomes more persistant.

"I just don't particularly want you to go back to wherever you have to go. You never told me where, by the way." This is true, his home town had never really come up in conversation until this point. However, I have no hopes of it being somewhat close to where I live. Nobody cool lives on an island in the middle of the English Channel.

"Jersey, if you really want to know." My heart stops for what feels like hours, my jaw drops and my eyes lock open and wide. Seemingly, I spent a very long time in that position as thoughts rushed through my head.

"Molly?" Chris waves his hand slowly in front of my wide, almost glassy, eyes, his face filled with a mixture of emotions ranging from amusement to concern. I shake my head as I snap out of my chance and reply.

"You're having a laugh." Chuckling, Chris shakes his head.

"My house is in Jersey." Now its his turn to look surprised and a similar situation as the previous unfolds only this time the positions are reversed. He stares unblinkedly at my face, more specifically my nose, in shock.

"You're not serious..." The silence continues as I nod. A wide smile breaks out onto his face and his eyes light up. His smile is contagious, so much so that I grin just as toothily.


"You got everything?" Vikk holds me at an arms length before hugging me tightly. A tear born of various different emotions slips from my eye onto his hoodie. Today is the day I leave London to go back to Jersey and, as is probably apparent, my emotional state is fluctuating quite significantly.

"Call me everyday?" The question that falls from my mouth of more of a demand than a question.

"For sure. And you have to come visit soon?" I nod quickly.

"Let's go then, we don't want you to miss your flight." We advance slowly into the airport. Chris had flown back to Jersey a week ago so the chances of us accidentally meeting at the airport are slim. A comfortable yet pain-filling silence is prevalent between the two of us as we approach the departure gate. Before going any further, I turn to Vikk and wrap my arms around his torso tightly, more tears slipping from my eyes.

"I'm going to miss you," he says, into my windswept mop of hair.

"You too."

A loud tanoy fills the airport notifying me that my flight was ready for passengers. I prize myself away from Vikk and walk through the gate. With one last look back towards my best friend, I make my way onto the runway, a few stray tears falling from my eyes.

The safety brief was strenuous as always however, after a considerable long amount of waiting time, the plane begins to move. Shortly after take off, I close my eyes and let sleep take me.

Heya. I can't remember whether I've done an A/N yet on this story but hi again if I have. Sorry this is a bit short but also, thanks for 100 reads! It might seem like a relatively small milestone but it means a lot to me so thank you. Onwards and upwards!

- Billie

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