[ 7 ]

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The 15 minute or so journey back to my house is filled with laughter and happiness. However, part way there, a comfortable silence falls upon us leaving me time to think about the situation I find myself in.

My cheeks seem to stay a permanent pink colour when I am around Chris, induced not by happiness, purely by his presence alone. In the short time I have known him, a strong connection has formed between the two of us, one that I have never experienced the like of in my short time on our lovely (but dying - sorry to throw a negative in there) planet. I have never been happier, except perhaps when Vikk and I were at school. I let out a short sigh at these happy thoughts which Chris immediately notices.

"What you thinkin' bout?" 

"Not much, just life I suppose," I reply, not too big on the idea of telling him about my slightly 'love-lust teenager' like thoughts.

"Yeah, life is pretty important," he jokes.

"Shush your face." This playful banter has become a standard for the two of us in the past week and a bit.

"Seriously though, are you okay? You looked pretty upset about something." Apart from the fact that I'm falling hard for the person next to me and there's nothing there apart from solid concrete to catch me?

"Yeah. Typical case of resting bitch face."

"Really? I've never noticed before."

"And you spend lots of time looking at me when I'm thinking?" The only response I gain from this is a small shrug. The rest of the journey falls into silence, again not awkward at all.

As we pull up to my house, Chris looks over to me and smirks.


"Nothing." I shake my head and turn to get out of the car. To my surprise, I am followed swiftly by Chris who catches up with me. I face the door, pulling out me keys. Before I manage to open the door, Chris grabs my hand and spins me around to face him. He looks straight into my eyes, mine meeting his piercingly blue ones.

"I'm so glad I met you," he voices, his voice slightly rougher than normal. I see his eyes flicker to my lips and back up again. He smiles slightly and moves towards me, my eyes flicker shut as I subconciously move forward also. His lips are only millimetres away from mine when a loud AC/DC song plays harshly from his back pocket.

Living easy, living free
Season ticket on a one-way ride

We draw back in sync, him scratching the back of his neck and flushing bright red. I giggle awkwardly.

"I should probably," I gesture behind me.

"Yeah, I mean," He replies with an equal level of awkwardness.

"Thank you for dinner." I swiftly turn and enter my house, shutting he dor behind me. When I am sure it is closed, I press my back to it and slide down it slowly. Sighing loudly, I voice my thoughts aloud.

"Aghhhhh," I yell, completely forgetting that Chris is probably still standing outside. However, silmultaneously to my anguish, I hear another slightly more angry yell from outside. I stand slowly and turn around, opening to door even more slowly.

Chris is sat on the porch step cradling his head in his hands. When he hears the door open, he stands, facing me.

"I'm so sorry. My dad was worried, I forgot to tell him where I was." He looks incredibly sympathetic, even more so than when he accidentally bell-tapped JJ on the night we met which is saying something.

"Don't worry, these things happen," I reply and join him on the seat, resting my head on his shoulder. He wraps an arm around my waist and, in that moment, I realise this is where I want to stay. Right here, right now, in this moment.

Just saying, I'm on an updating roll right now. I swear I didn't touch this story for weeks and now the chapters are piling up! To let you know, this book isn't going to be any longer than 20 chapters (+epilogues).

Also, what the frick?! This already has 161 reads and 20 votes which is completely nuts! Thank you to all of you for reading at all. Please comment if you are enjoying it; it really spurs me on to write more.

- Megan xx

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