Chapter 4 M-Mom?

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Aura Pov

Once the guard finished speaking Haru looks down and starts to cry

"where is it" she said softly

"w-what" the guard replies the haru grabs his chainmail and pulls him close

"I SAID WHERE IS IT" the guard point to a building guarded by other guards Then haru drops him and quickly runs to the building I am to shocked to say anything I just follow her once we get there haru kicks open the door everyone inside draws there weapon haru runs through a fire patch and jumps over the table on the other side then she stands in front of the jarl still crying

"stand down guards" the jarl said

"why did you lie to Me" haru saids angrily

"what do yo-" before the jarl finished her sentence haru slaps the jarl across the face

"YOU STUPID BITCH YOU FUCKING LEFT ME ALONE FOR FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS JUST TO LIE TO YOUR VILLAGE AND LEAVE YOUR CHILD JUST TO COME RULE A CITY IN SKYRIM IS FAMILY NOT IMPORTANT TO YOU" haru yells to the top of her lungs, the the jarl gives haru a hug, haru then start to hit her back and slowly stop and hugs back tightly

"I am so sorry haru I know i can not be forgiven for what I have done" The jarl said softly with tears rolling down her face Then i start to walk up to them ù of the jarl and yells

"EVERYONE OUT OR I WILL EXECUTE YOU MYSELF" all the guards and maids run out of the throne room then haru sits down

Haru POV

"Back when I was seven I lived with my mother and my father in a underground house it was small on the outside and huge on the inside there was a training room for enchanting, alcamy, smithing, and battling my mom was the head guard of raven rock and my father was the cities blacksmith one day my mother and a squadron of solders went out to start trade routes with a few cities of Skyrim but before they when went out they where attacked by bandits why they where sleeping the boat was raided and broken down or that's what a surviving guard said once we got the news my father was enraged and he went mad he looked himself in the training room for smithing for hours at a time I was forced to learn how to cook and take care of the house, three years later I was being my father a fresh batch of unsmelted iron and just before I got inside the volcano that has been dormant for centuries erupted and the sky started raining ash I ran inside and...."

Flash back Haru POV

"DADDY DADDY THE SKY IS RAINING ASH WHAT'S HAPPENING" my father takes the iron from me and sets it down

"clam down honey comb what's did you see" my father reassured me as I said

"the volcano erupted and it started to rain ash from the sky"

"did you pick the vegetables from the farm as you were told" he said

"y-yes daddy" I responded

"Ok now get the wooden logs and make them into plakes while I whip up a adhesive to keep us safe but what ever you do DO NOT OPEN the door for ANYONE ok honey comb" he sais 

"yes daddy" I respond. daddy gives me a kiss before I go off to get everything, after a I get all the plankes and give them to daddy and he start to board up the door put the adhesive on

"daddy what's going on" I ask curiously

"we'll be In The house for a little while don't worry daddy has everything under control just make us some lunch for tonight nothing big just a simple meal" he sais as he walks down the stairs to the smithary. Five more years go by and i hear a knock on the door

"wh-who is it" I ask by that time the boards where broken down and weak I take off a few of them then I open the door

"h-hello AHHHHH" daddy comes rushing up with his weapon in hand I was in the arms of something made completely ou of ash

"LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER YOU ASH SHITS" he runs up quickly and kills the ash monster

"DADDY BEHIND YOU" another monster appers and slashes his back then he quickly slashes his sword at the monster killing it, I close the door and lock it

"daddy are you ok" I run to him and help him to a bench where I patch him up

"don't worry honey comb *cough* daddy is just going to rest for a bit" I treat his wounds until he sais "look daddy isn't going to make it *cough* so before I go I need to tell you that I have a secret vault in the house and the pass word is %*>=_<÷=@% it *cough* contains all my research in smithing and enchanting go and learn it and continue my work *coughs up blood* i-i love you h-honey comb

"tears start to roll down my face as my father does before me

"n-n-no no NO NOOOOOOOOOO DADDY COME BACK YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME YOU HAVE TO STAY WITH ME...please...stay" I yelled as more and more tears roll down my face...

Present Haru POV

And for the next 7 years I crafted nd learned all my father's research in smithing and alcamy until I decided to come to Skyrim to start a new life.

[Chapter 4 end]
[New character inbound next chapter and probably and old friend]

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