The Gravewalker

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A.N: I did a timeskip because I didn't wanna make extra chapters documenting the training. P.S. you won't be using your powers from Bardocks' training very noticeably until a certain point. As usual show your appreciation however you like, be it commenting, voting, whatever.
"Please. You are my last chance." The girl begged of the hooded man who stood before her, face shadowed in darkness. "Don't beg me. I agree, this freaks blood will soak the ground." He stood up straight now from the tree that was supporting his laziness, and rolled his neck, cracking sounds emitting from his neck. "Return at this same time tomorrow night. I'll give you a feather with the bastards' blood on it." Turning the figure began to leave but stopped. "Actually. Stay still for a moment" turning the man stepped to her and held her by her shoulder. Lifting the man's eye patch he looked her in the eyes, revealing his patterned eye. (Look at the photo at top for the eye) seemingly satisfied with what he saw with it he replaced the eye patch and headed away again. "See ya tomorrow night" tuning out the woman's praised you smiled, until you could meet this alleged Night Raid you'd have to settle for being a lone assassin, trying to fix this Empires' corruption.

"So you guys are guarding this rich prick eh? Alright, try me" You smiled as they charged at you swords at the ready and guns blazing. You smiled as the first one was within arms reach of you now, you stepped closer now and lashed out at his throat. You felt the familiar impact as his neck was pierced by the blade hidden in your gauntlets. Pulling back you watched the blood drip down his throat you looked up at the next one and raised your arm to point at him, being several meters away. You put your hand to your wrist, conforming your fingers to fit the wrist held pistol sequestered there. He stopped his assault just as your finger squeezed the trigger. The loud bang a clear give away to why he began to fall, a new hole in his head.

You stood over the last guard, a lowly shooter whose aim was very very lackluster. "What a shame. I didn't even get enough challenge to classify this as a warm up." You stomped onto the fools ribcage, a choked gurgle emanating from his mouth. "Requiescat in pace." giving him the dying wish your mentor taught you to give upon a quick kill, you watched as he passed on. Walking down the halls you looked for a give away to what room the target had taken shelter in. "No please dont-" the man speaking cut himself off with a cry of fear, probably Night Raid. Running to where the sound came from you flung open the door only to find what you expected. The study windows wide open, no trace of them save for the man laying on the floor. Looking at him you noticed the poisonous mark of the most prominent member: Akame. You knew not why you felt like you should remember that name, but you did remember it. There was nothing that could change it. Kneeling you closed the man's eyes "Requiescat in pace. Bastardo." Taking a feather from your belt you dipped it into his wound, blood making the white feather stain a dark crimson. "I'll be seeing you. Night Raid." You turned and left, you had a job, even if it was stolen at the last second.

"That Gravewalker guy is getting to be a big problem." Lubbock spoke with clear worry in his tone. They all stood in the treeline, watching the Gravewalker as he did something to the body and left. "Whoever he is he keeps taking our contracts and its starting to piss me off." Mine replied. Akame however was silent, why did the Gravewalker seem familiar to her? It wasn't anything that he did, but more how he carried himself. A man who had been through hell, and had come out a professional killer. "Akame. We're leaving" Bulats' hand at her shoulder shook her out of her thoughts "Yeah sorry. I'm coming."

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