Father Vs Son: God Vs Demon

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Israphel struck first, firing a blast of ki at you. Easily you deflected it, and lunged, launching a flurry of blows at him. Dodging with ease he swung his leg up, kicking you in the chin. Flipping right side up again you fired your own ki blast, which he again easily dodged. Appearing in front of you he jabbed at your ribs, doubling you over as you grunted in pain. Growling you powered up, letting off your aura as he merely smirked confidently. He still hadn't taken as stance even as you started charging a Kamehameha. "Ka-me-ha-me" you began, only to use Instant Transmission to appear behind him now. "Ha!!" Firing it directly at him you thought you'd hit him. "So close." Spinning around in surprise you were just in time to catch his foot with the side of your head. Falling a bit before you regained your senses you shook your head. He was in his base form, how was he so vastly over powering you? Interuppting your thoughts he appeared in front of you again, dodging with minute movements as you went to attack with another flurry of blows, then jabbed his elbow into your head, following it quickly with another spinning kick to your head. As you attempted to right yourself in the air again he swung down hard, sending you flying down into the ground. Roaring out in anger you blasted the rubble off you with your aura, then tried again. "Kamehameha!" Blasting it straight at him you missed, the blast skidding up the front of Shikoutazer. Immediately you turned in a full one eighty and swing your foot, only for him to grab it. "Well, at least your starting to learn." Flinging you behind him he didn't even turn as you landed and tried hitting him again, each time he dodged with little effort. It was like he wasn't even thinking about the fight as you kept swinging, getting angrier everytime you missed or he countered you. Turning now he hit you point blank "Big bang attack!" Sending you flying into several buildings before you managed to right yourself, using the next wall you hit to jump into the air. Panting with the on set of exhaustion you looked around for him. "For a God of Destruction you seem to be having trouble." Swinging your fist as you turned you didn't even hit him as he dodged again. "How the hell are you able to do that, no matter what I throw at you, you just dodge it or bat it aside like nothing." He merely smiled in that manical way of his as he replied. "Towa gave me the power from Mira who you so easily bested with that Hakai, and then gave me these." Lifting his hair from off his ears he exposed a set of Potara earrings. "So I now have access to all the power Mira once commanded by wearing them, which in turn is multiplied by my own power. So in essence, a fusion of mere power, without two participants." He flicked one, the ringing sound reaching your own ears. "So, come forth and try to defeat the combative might of Misraphel."

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