Chapter 18

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Anthony's P.O.V.

We entered the store, the woman watching our every move as we walked in. She lead us to a back room before she finally spoke up. "Why are you here?"

I spoke up first. "About a year ago we were kidnapped. She must have let us go though cause we just woke up in the alley cross the street."

"You wouldn't happen to have a phone would you?" Dan asked politely. The woman seemed to jump when she heard Dan's voice. She also seemed to put up her guard even more. She picked up a gun that I hadn't noticed before and held it towards Dan.

"Who are you?!?" The woman yelled.

"I-I'm D-Dan How-well. Please put the gun down."

Phil grabbed his arm tightly and Ian and I tried to cautiously find a way to take the gun away or at least make sure she didn't shoot.

"You're a Brit! How can I be sure I can trust you?" She growled.

"Ma'am-" Ian started.

"Are you Brit too? Did they hire you four to spy on us Americans?"

"Ma'am I promise you we're not spies. I don't even know what this war is about. This is the first time in a year we've heard any news at all." Dan calmly explained.

She looked towards Phil who was slightly shaking while still holding on to Dan's arm.

"P-Please d-don't hurt us." Phil said gently.

"I don't know why," She was speaking to Phil. "But you make me believe what you're telling me. If I'm going to continue to trust you though, I need to know all of your names,and I guess you should know mine. I'm Jayda Caldin. Jay for short." She put the gun down.

"I'm Phil," he started. "This is Dan, and he's Ian, like you heard, and that's Anthony."

"So, what's the war about?" I asked.

She was silent for a second, but finally spoke up. "The Brits, they decided they wanted to have some land in America. So, they decided they would just take some land. But us Americans, we don''t take things lightly. We're going to fight for what's ours." She looked back over at Dan and Phil. "That's why I though you were spies. Although, you guy's seem harmless."

We were silent for a moment. "Do you have a phone?" Dan asked again.

"Why do you keep asking that?" Jay asked.

"I want to call my family. We've been missing for a year they've got to be worried."

All of a sudden it looked like it clicked for the rest of us that our families would be missing us.

"There's a phone in the back." Jay said.

Although as soon as Dan stepped towards the back, there was a flash and I woke up.

I looked around we were in a completely metal room. I was strapped to a metal chair with wires on my head. Had all that been a dream? I looked and Dan, Phil and Ian were strapped on chairs as well. They had just woken up too from the looks of it.

"Guys?" I asked. They all looked towards me. "Did you guys just see what I saw?"

"If you're talking about a world where World War 3 has started, than yes." Dan said.

"Did we all dream the same thing?" Phil asked.

Ian was being quiet. "Ian? Please tell me you can still talk." I said to him.

He shook his head. My heart broke just like it did the first time. "Why?" I whispered, tears coming down my cheeks.

Ana walked in the room. "That was the time machine, Ian you've tested it before. I sent you four forward it time to see what the future is going to be like. Looks like the world is in for a wild ride. If I kill two British men right now, maybe that will help." She laughed evilly.

Dan and Phil looked scared at the thought of that. "But what's the fun in that?"

I''ll let you four chat a little bit- Whoops I mean the three of you." With that she walked out of the room. The restraints came undone.

I ran over to Ian. I kissed him softly and he kissed back. The kiss lasted at least a minute. When the kiss ended I hugged him. "We'll figure out how to get your voice back I promise. You had it in the future, there must be a way to get it back. Just remember though," I pulled him away and looked down into his teary blue eyes. "voice or no voice, you're still my Ian."

Ian smiled at me which made me long to kiss him again. I pulled his lips back to mine and I didn't pull away until I desperately needed air.


A/N: Hey guys! I hope y'all are liking this story. I hope y'all liked that I put a little bit more Ianthony in this story. Let me know what y'all think about the story so far! Write soon my lady(and man)bugs!

Check out Smosh's video ^^^^

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