Chapter 22

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Dan's P.O.V.

My heart fluttered with joy. The man I loved had just asked me to marry him. I was so happy I had almost forgotten where I was. I was ripped out of heaven when I heard a loud siren go off.

I pulled away from Phil looking around to see what was making the siren go off. There was nothing in the room that I could see. It must've be something that Ana was doing. I turned and put an arm around Phil protectively. I wasn't going to let her hurt him again. I looked over at I an and Anthony to see them in a similar stance with Anthony's arm wrapped around Ian. 

The alarm blared so loudly I was surprised my ears weren't bleeding. Right when I thought I was going to lose my mind the alarm suddenly stopped. I wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. I listened as the room was now eerily quiet. I heard some loud bangs from outside the cell and then it was quiet again. Then there was lots of yelling and a ton of foot steps. 

I didn't realize how scared I was until I felt Phil squirm a little bit. Without realizing it, I had pulled Phil into an extremely tight hug. I released my grip a tiny bit and gave a slight apologetic smile to him. Although my smile disappeared almost instantly as extremely loud banging started happening at the door. Ian, Anthony, Phil and I all huddled together in the corner farthest from the door as best we could. With every bang the door seemed to loosen. Finally after what seemed like the millionth bang on the door it broke open.

I held my breath when I heard voices start yelling. "They're in here! They're here! She was lying!" I looked up. It was the police! I grabbed Phil's hand and stood up. One of the men walked over to us, Phil still seemed a little hesitant, and I mean after what he had been through, I could understand why.

"Are you okay?" One of the men asked. It took me a moment to answer.

"Y-yeah." I said. 

"My name is Officer Rick Long. I'm here to help you."

"H-how did you find us?" Anthony asked sounding extremely grateful.

"Ms. Ana and Ms. Jen's brother gave us a tip."

I looked towards Phil smiling when I noticed something bothering him. He spoke up. 

"Please, don't hold Jen responsible for any of this." He spoke softly. "Jen tried to help us escape, but she got caught. Don't place blame on her, please."

The officer looked at Phil sympathy brewing in his eyes. "I can't promise anything son, but as long as she helps us in this investigation there's a good chance that she won't get in too much trouble. The same goes for Luke as well. Now, we need to get you guy's looked at and as soon as we're sure you're fine we'll take you to a hotel."

"A hotel? Why can't we just go home?" Ian asked.

"Well If you live in LA and you give us your address you can, but..." Officer Long looked at Phil and I. "...We need you to stay in town until the immediate investigation is over. After that you can head home until we summon you back for the court date."

"Okay." Ian said exhaustion everywhere in his voice.

We got looked at and, other than being a little malnourished, we were fine. The medics were impressed by how well we were for just going through what we went through. We didn't dare tell them about Phil's powers. 

Then Ian and Anthony went to Anthony's house, which is in LA, and the police took Phil and I to a really nice hotel not far from Anthony's place. 

When Phil and I got in the hotel room we both called our families and told them we were fine. My mum was ecstatic when she heard my voice, same with Phil's mum. Both our parents would be here as soon as they humanly could get here. 

We then got ready for bed and we were tired, but we both couldn't sleep. They had told us we had been missing for almost a month. I watched almost two hours go by on the clock in the room when I felt Phil wrap his arms around me. 

"Can't sleep either?" I asked.

"No, not really." Phil said in defeat.  "This bed seems almost too comfortable after what we've been through."

"Yeah, I feel the same." I turned to face him. Our faces just mere inches from each other. "You know what we both failed to tell our families though?" 

"What?" Phil asked.

"We forgot to tell them, we're engaged." I whispered. With that I closed the gap between our mouths and kissed him. It was a rather long kiss too. When we finally broke apart we both cuddled in each other's arms and fell asleep.


A/N: They escaped! Is this story actually nearing the end or is this some sort of trick? Also how are Ian and Anthony now doing? We'll find out next time. Write ya later my little wattpadians:)

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