Gundham x Reader - Animal Utopia

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Soulmate au - Everyone has a spirit animal. Their soulmate is the person with the exact same spirit animal in every way, shape, and form. SA = Spirit Animal

I sat quietly in my dorm on my soft bed. I sat there staring in my spirit animals piercing red eyes. I'm Y/N and my spirit animal, (SA Name), is a black and gray swirled hamster with bright red eyes and a small patch of missing fur on his abdomen. I was always intrigued by this, and (SA Name) never minded me when I stared at him, a mystified presence filling my eyes.

"Ohhhh Y/N-chaaaaaaan!"

A loud, enthusiastic voice rang from outside my door. It was without a doubt, Junko. She's the only one who could have that unique voice. I hid (SA Name) from view and opened the door to see Junko with a big grin on her face, Mukuro with her blank gaze, and Celeste with her usual smirk.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

Junko opened her mouth to speak but Celeste pushed elegantly in front of her causing Junko to send her a death glare.

"We were wondering if you would like to join us in the dining hall for some food and tea"

Celeste gave the tiniest of bows and I let out a small giggle.

"Of course I'll come! Just give me a minute."

I closed the door and got some nicer clothes to wear and I picked up (SA Name) from his hiding spot.

"I'm gonna have to convert you to spirit mode all right?"

The hamster just squeaked in response. I focused on the hamster for a minute before it vanished into thin air but of course, I knew where he was. He would never leave my side. A person can have their spirit animal appear and disappear, even after their soulmate is found. After their soulmate is found the only difference is the fact that they will be able to sense your spirit animals presence aswell. I opened the door again and locked it when I exited then Junko led the way to the dining hall. After we arrived we got our food and Celeste sent Hifumi to get tea.

"So, who do you guys think your soulmate is?"

Junko brought up the question and Celeste gave her a questioning glare.

"I haven't much thought about the matter, why do you ask?"

Junko giggled "I guess I'm glad that I found my soulmate and I want you guys to find yours too!"

I thought for a moment.

"Your soulmate is.... Yasuke, correct?"

"Bing! Y/N gets a point!"

I giggled at Junko's childish antics. I honestly couldn't ask for better friends.

"As long as my soulmate isn't that fat and ugly Hifumi, I'll be fine. He is merely my tea messenger"

Just as Celeste said it, Hifumi came walking out of the kitchen with Royal Milk tea. He put down the tray and we all got some... except for him of course.

"Did I do it right this time?"

Celeste took a sip of the tea... then threw the cup at Hifumi's head.

"GAH!" Hifumi cried out as the hot contents burst onto his head.


"Eeeeeeek! I'll go fix it right away Master Celestia!"

"Don't bother, I'll do it myself later since you can't be bothered to do it correctly."

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