47 HELEN: An unexpected party.

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If that had been my party, it would have been pretty terrible. Two people, and me.

Not really a party, just wanted the Hobbit reference in there, to prove I'm not some ill-educated state school kid really, as some folks have cruelly suggested in comments. I mean, come on, I'm even coping with Latin at the moment — with some help, obviously.

Okay, I'm rambling. So would you be if you'd just seen what I'd seen. Or rather, heard what I heard. I've just rushed back to write it down while I still believe it happened.

Then I have to explain to Abby that her ex is not what he seems.

Anyway, the party of two. I'd been mooching around outside, on my own because Xuan was trying to solicit information from Mum (not a snowball's chance in hell, but Xuan insisted on trying) and Abby had been abducted by her parents, when I came across two people I wasn't really expecting to see.

Well, I say that, but I've come to expect always to see the Bursar, so it was no surprise he should turn up again. Only this time he wasn't stalking Mum — he was *cue drumroll* with Tim Morrigan.

I mean, I'd seen them sitting next to each other at the concert, but I thought that was pure coincidence. There are only so many seats... But here they were again, smug as two bugs in a rug. Which is fast seeming the perfect description. Bugs.

I was this close to confronting them and asking Tim what he was doing in the school grounds when he had no right to be here, and why he was with Sam the Bursar, who did have a right to be here but not with Tim.

Somehow I managed to keep control. But both of them looked pretty furtive (as in even more furtive than usual) and it occurred to me that my talents would be more productively employed indulging in some subtle surveillance instead of confrontation. And just as well I did.

I don't have a supernaturally good memory or anything, so of course this isn't verbatim, but the conversation I overheard was too interesting not to share. So here it is to the best of my memory.

"I can't work without more information." That was the Bursar. He sounded worried.

Tim smiled. "And I can't work until you get me what I need. We're at a stalemate unless you can grab it for me."

"I don't know how!"

"For God's sake, it was right there at the concert. How hard can it be? Just grab the thing and get out of there."

"It's not that easy." Here, the Bursar scratched his head and looked away, with a hint of a blush on his face. "I mean, we've got a history, Kitty and me. I can't just turn around and... and take something from her."

"I'm pretty sure that's exactly what you promised me."

"You know what I mean."

For a second they were both quiet and I held very still, fearing they might realise I was nearby. I desperately wanted to know more, and they didn't disappoint.

"Look, Tim said. "You get it for me, and I'll have that information to you by the end of the week. Got it?"

"I don't think I can get it across to you. It's not the easiest thing to transport."

Tim shook his head. "How hard can it be? Really?"

I was with Tim on this point. If what they were talking about was the Nils score, which it had to be, then I couldn't see why an envelope wouldn't suffice to hide it.

"Questions are asked," the Bursar said. "This is a school. People are nosy. Especially blasted teenage girls"

"Tell me about it," Tim said in a tone that made my blood boil.


"Look. I'm offering you something valuable. All I need is this music. And it's probably worthless anyway."

"You told me it wasn't. You said it was real — that it would be worth thousands."

Tim cursed and looked away. "Well, now they think it's a fake."

"They think it's a fake? Who does?"

"Stroudy, for starters. I managed to get that much out of Helen, at least. No-one believes it's real."

"And you still want it?"

"Of course I want it! The experts might have analysed the notes and decided Nils would never put a blooming C sharp next to an F, but no one else is going to know that, are they? There's still some serious dosh to be made here if I can get my hands on it."

"Maybe this isn't such a great idea, Tim," the Bursar began.

Tim turned and started striding away. I shrank into the bushes a little further in case he should see me. "It's a fair exchange," he said over his shoulder. "Get it for me, and once I have the music I'll give you what you want. Simple."

"I'm working on it," the Bursar said.

"Oh, and that's why it's taken you this long?" Tim turned back and came closer. "No, I know why you haven't found it really, Sam. It's because you didn't want to, isn't it? Because you and Stroudy have some history, so you feel like you owe her something."

The Bursar flinched as though Tim had slapped him. "I don't owe that woman anything. It's just..."

I was leaning forward to hear this.

"I'll get it, okay?" the Bursar finished lamely.

Tim held out one hand (his left, of course) and after a moment's hesitation, the Bursar shook it. Rather awkwardly, because the Bursar is right-handed. Then Tim walked straight towards where I where I was hiding.

I held my breath, wondering if it were better to scream or just run for it, but thankfully Tim just carried on past me and disappeared into the wooded area at the side of the school's grounds.

He must have some sort of exit there that he uses to get in and out when he's not supposed to be here.

After a short pause, the Bursar brushed himself off, straightened his tie, and walked the other way.

I waited a good few minutes to be certain they hadn't doubled back, then I legged it to Marylebone House, my heart pumping like the pistons on a steam engine at full speed.

Being a Sunday not many people were around — the weather's the nicest it's been in a while — and I managed to get in and sink onto the bed in my cubie, breathless and shaking. More from excitement than fear, but I have to admit I was, in the jargon of my previous school, scared shitless for a while back there.

I texted Abby immediately to say I'd be a few minutes late, then typed up this conversation before it faded from my mind. Now I'm off to tell Abby and... Well, just Abby.

Xuan has vanished, and obviously the Don's still in the San, so best to let her rest. We're gonna need her fully recovered ASAP to make sense of all this.

The mystery has just got a whole lot more mysterious, and while my idols Sherlock and Miss Marple might have sussed it all out from what I just overheard, I have to confess that me, I. Haven't. A. Clue.

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