39 ABBY: If the smell of fish were any stronger...

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I'm going to die. Painfully. On the end of a lacrosse stick. Then have my head removed and stuck on top of the school gates for a trophy. And, with Xuan's stick-related aggression, I may be joined by most of the other team as well, if they're not too scared to get even remotely close to the goal with her in the way.

Nothing like a bit of blood, gore and homicide to add some spice to a Saturday morning.

So, yes, I did finally manage to fill in the team — Helen and the Don helped me pin Xuan down so I could pester her to oblivion before she finally relented. The school's been sending out invitations to all the parents and guardians to invite them down for (clears throat) "A morning of high-octane action on the sports field, followed by a pleasant lunch in Marylebone house. Tea and snacks will also be available during the morning."

Jolly good, old bean, but, I say, who is that awfully suspicious young gentleman accosting Miss Helen? My word, surely he is not meaning to appear too! Master Morrigan, you really do get above yourself sometimes!

I smell fish. Copious amounts of fish.

Call me paranoid, but I honestly do not understand Tim's sudden insistence on coming to the lacrosse match. Seriously, we went out for a month last year, and I had to pester him near constantly to so much as send me the occasional text, or come to meet me on a weekend.

If I didn't know better, I'd say it was for the sole purpose of meeting Helen, but — cue the Sherlock Holmes look — he only really got interested when she mentioned that she was playing in a concert in the music department later that evening.

No, I haven't been stalking their Facebook conversations. Not at all.

Gah, reading that again, I sound like a horribly jealous ex-girlfriend. I'm not, though. Honestly!

I only really went out with Tim because his friends were teasing him so mercilessly about staring at me all evening, and I think he only popped the question because he didn't want to look like an idiot. My agreement was really just to save his face. No wonder we hardly spoke to one another.

But that's not my point. My point is, why the heck would Tim want to come and watch Helen in a concert? They'll be performing the exact same repertoire with the rest of the Linbury Court orchestra in just under a week anyway. He could come and see her then with far more ease — and, believe me, from what I know of this boy he'll do anything to make life easier for himself.

Xuan's in the orchestra too, though. I'll see if I can get her on side to ask Tim about his sudden passion for girls' lacrosse and Tchaikovsky.

That is, if Xuan doesn't kill me first.

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