November, 2016

I'm going to see my dying love.
I threw on my old vans and put on one of Josh's flannels. I grabbed my phone off of the table and walked to the door.
Am I ready to see him? I thought I was, but perhaps not.
"You ready Ty?" Brendon asked as I approached the door.
"No, but let's go," I mumbled opening the door.

The drive was silent. No music like there usually is . Brendon wasn't loud like his normal self.
I looked out the window.
There was a thin layer of snow on the ground from the previous night.
"Most of them are already there. No call from his family though," Brendon sighed.
I glanced at him. The frown on his face was unrecognizable. He should always be smiling.
"We're his family Bren," I mumbled looking straight ahead at the hospital sign.
We pulled into the parking lot. It wasn't too crowded. Brendon turned of the car and locked the doors before I could get out.
"What are you doi-"
"He's not looking good Ty. H-he has wires hooked up to him. Tubes everywhere. It's bad. I just want you to be prepared," he mumbled softly.
"I'm not a little kid. I can take it," I said unlocking my own door and getting out.
Soon brendon walked beside me as we made our way to the entrance.
"ICU please," Brendon said to the lady at the front.
She came from behind the counter and used her badge to open up a set of double doors.
"Thank you," I softly smiled.
We walked down confusing hallways before we finally made it into a small room with chairs and a small couch. I wasn't expecting to see everyone here.
Ryan and Dallon were sharing the small couch. Pete and Patrick were sitting in chairs right next to each other. Andy and Joe were sitting in chairs across from each other. Jack and Alex were sharing a reclining chair, and Rian and Zack were sharing the other reclining chair. Last but not least Melanie and Ashley were sitting side by side on the ground.
Once they saw us walk in they stood up, all with sympathetic looks on their faces.
"I-is anyone seeing him right now?" I asked giving Ryan a quick hug.
"Troye is. He didn't want him to be alone," Zack answered sitting back down after his hug.
I nodded and put my backpack on the ground in the corner.
"I can take you there If you want me to," Dallon whispered in my ear. Almost like it was a sin to speak normally.
"Okay. Thanks," I wishpered back, still unsure about it all.
As we walked down the hallways I looked at the ceiling which had mirrors on it. My hair is messy, my face is blotchy, my eyes are red. I'm a mess.
At the end of the hallway there were two doors that said 'Intensive Care Unit' I sighed and walked in reluctantly. A few rooms down I saw Troye standing outside of a room. I walked up to him slowly, gave him a hug like everyone else.
I looked at the lovely boy in the bed. Even with all the wires attached to him he was still beautiful. He'll always be beautiful.
"I'll just leave you here alone with him," Dallon said walking away.
If it weren't for the monitor I would think Josh was dead. His sickly pale face, his ghostly hands. It was painful to see him in such a state. Nobody deserves this. Especially not Josh. He's done nothing to deserve this.
"Sir, can I ask to speak with Josh's parents?" A doctor asked.
"He doesn't have any family left," I answered looking at him.
"Does that mean you're the one to talk to?" He questioned.
"Yes sir."
"Okay. So Josh's blood is pretty much toxic. It's no good. He has double pneumonia. His lungs have liquids in them that shouldn't be there. We have gotten quite a bit out, but there is still a lot. All of his organs have seemed to stop working. We think he has a blood clot, but we can not know for sure until we do a CAT scan. We can't do a CAT scan until he is stable enough to move. His heart rate is not healthy at all, and he is not able to breath on his own. These next 24 hours are very critical,"
I stared at him hopelessly. There is so much wrong with Josh. How did this even happen?
"May I ask how this happened?"
"Yes sir. Pneumonia is usually caused by airborne respiratory droplets.He has a blood infection; we aren't sure what bacteria caused it though," he continued.
"He's gonna live, right?" I blurted out staring at him.
He sighed, "honestly, we don't know. Hes got it pretty bad, kid. We won't give up, I promise," he smiles sympathetically.
"Thank you," I whispered as he walked away. I stared at Josh once again.
It was silent aside from the beeps.
My heart began racing after every beep. Praying it wouldn't be a long, high pitched one.
A nurse came in quickly clicking buttons on the machines.
"Ron I need the cart!" She yelled to Ron I assume.
Soon a man came in with a huge red cart.
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave please," he smiles softly as I walked out.
"H-He's going to be okay, right?" I asked as they continued to push me further and further away from the door.
They never answered.
I paced in the hallway, tears brewing in my eyes.
He's going to be fine. He's Josh. Hes always fine. He's a fighter.
I suddenly felt a tight embrace. We stood in silence. That's all we needed. We didn't need conversation. The warm embrace and each other's company was well enough.
"You sure do love him don't you?" Alex asked in all seriousness.
I just nodded. That's all I could do. I knew the moment I speak I would  start to bawl.
"It's okay to cry, Ty," He said as we continued to hug.
I pulled away and wiped my tears with my sleeves.
"He'll pull through" he whispered as I walked to the lounge and he walked to the ICU.
I walked into the room and sat down in a chair beside Andy. I leaned back and closed my eyes. Hoping that when they opened I would be at Josh's house feeding his fish or petting his cat. But no.
I opened my eyes and Joe was in front of me, and Andy beside me. I saw the ugly wall color and I was sitting in the uncomfortable chair.
"I don't like him being alone, but I don't want to go back in there right now. It hurts too much," I whispered, but loud enough so everyone can here.
"You're good babe. Ashley  and I can go, you sit here and relax," Melanie said standing up with Ashley's hand intertwined with hers.
"Thank you. I appreciate it," I smiled softly as they walked out of the room.
"What a shitty way to end Thanksgiving," Zack snorted.
Other then that the room was quiet, but not the peaceful quiet. The room was filled with concern, hope, maybe even a little suspense. The woman in the room who wasn't with us had kids who were either running around or playing on tablets. How lucky of them. They don't have a care in the world. They probably don't understand that a loved one is in the ICU.
The time flew by; it was now 6:33pm.
"We're going to the cafeteria. Wanna come?" Joe asked as Pete, Patrick, Andy and him all stood up.
I nodded in response.

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