June, 2013

It's already Friday. I was hoping this week wouldn't go by so quickly. For the first time I was praying for the sun to stay up for just a little longer.
It's 4:30 and I still have no idea what to wear. I don't know what Josh's plans are. Do I go simple or a little dressy?
I settled on black jeans, my black vans, and a floral button up. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair up a bit. My heart was beating faster and faster as each minute went by. Before I knew it, it was 7:15. I put on my shoes and sat down on the couch.
"Good luck tonight, Tyler! I'll see you later," my mom called as I heard the front door open and shut.

Ding Dong

I froze. It can't already be 7:30. It was just 7:15.
I open up the door to see him.
Josh. Wearing that stupid, yet so adorable, grin of his. He wore black jeans, a plain white tee-shirt and a light blue snapback.
"Ready?" He asked, still smiling.
I nodded and walked out, shutting the door behind me.
Right as I sat in his car the radio started playing music. I hummed along quietly to the lyrics. Other than the music, the car was silent. It wasn't awkward like I expected it to be. It was calm.
We soon pulled into the parking lot of a bowling alley. We both got out of his car and made our way into the building.
This is very unfortunate. I am the worst bowler anyone has ever seen. I haven't been bowling in years, but I remember being bad. I refused to go bowling ever since I got 7 gutter balls in a row.
After getting our shoes we went to our lane. It was as busy as I expected it to be. I thought it would be packed considering it's Friday night. We entered our names into the monitor.
"I'm not very good at this, so don't judge," Josh laughed picking up his ball.
"Neither am I. It's horrific," I replied smiling, watching him walk closer to the lane.
The ball made it a quarter of the way down before going into the gutter. He's not that good, but not as bad as me. Mine never make it down half the lane.
"It slipped..." He smiled facing me.
"Right, of course!" I smiled, playing along.
We continued playing, neither of us were on the board yet. It was my turn to go. I grabbed my ball, expecting it to be a gutter ball. I watched the ball closely. It looked good so far. It made it down the whole lane. I knocked down 3 pins.
I looked at Josh who had a huge smile on his face.
"I wasn't expecting that!" I laughed walking over to Josh.
"I feel like that deserves celebratory pizza!" Josh cheered. His smile never gets old. Josh's smile is so different. The whole world lights up with his smile.
"I don't understand?!"
"What's so confusing about it?" I ask a bit too loudly as we sit in the empty restaurant.
"How is your favorite Disney movie Finding Nemo?!" Josh asked  me astonished.
"It's so cute and nice. The story is so amazing and Marlin cares so much for Nemo!" I say while enjoying my pizza.
"I agree! But the Lion King, Tyler!" He said rubbing his face.
"The Lion King is sad," I replied making a sad face.
"So is Finding Nemo" He said throwing his hands up in the air.
"How?!" I ask confused.
"Their children got eaten by another fish. So did the wife! Nemo was the only one left out of so many eggs,"
"Oh, that is sad," I say as realisation hit me.
"If I agree will you stop waving your hands. The wind from the motions you're making is making my pizza cold," I laughed.
"One day you will come over, and we will enjoy the Lion King together," he smiled as we finished the pizza.
"Sound enjoyable."
"Sorry if tonight wasn't that great. I promise I'm more fun," Josh mumbled as we walked up to my front door.
"I had a great time, Josh. I think this was a successful first date," I laughed as we stopped in front of my door.
"I agree. Because of the successfulness of this date, we will have another I suppose?" He asked me smiling.
I smiled and nodded.
"Fantastic. I'll talk to you later, Ty," he smiled as I opened the front door and closed it behind me.
I let out a sigh of relief.
"Have fun?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I look up to see my mom standing in the hall with a big grin.
"You have no idea," I smiled back.
"As much as I would love to hear about it, it's late. I'll see you tomorrow. Get some sleep," she smiled going upstairs.
"Goodnight," I said walking into the kitchen.
I get a glass of water and head up to bed. I was expecting everyone to be asleep until I heard a voice.
"How was it?" Zack's voice startled me. He was standing outside his bedroom door.
"It was good," I say quietly not wanting to wake anyone up.
"That's good," he said. I could tell the conversation wasnt over. The look on his face told me something was on his mind.
"What's up Zack?" I ask walking up to him.
"Can I talk to you about something?" We walk into his room and sit on his bed. He had a worried look on his face which made me worry.
"You can't tell mom and dad, Tyler," he said fiddling with his fingers.
"I wont," I say worried about what he has to say.
We sat there in silence. I could tell he wanted to say it, but he couldn't.
"Zack, you can tell me anything," I say patting him on the back.
"I don't like...girls," he said slowly.
The worry in his voice was clear.
"I don't want to tell mom and dad. I know they are okay with you, but I don't want to disappoint them," his shaky voice said.
"Zack, mom and dad love you. They will always love you. They won't be disappointed just because you aren't into girls," I say reassuringly.
"Are you sure? They've been asking me about girls and wondering if I have a girlfriend. I dont know how to tell them," he mumbled rubbing his face.
"You don't have to right away. It took me 3 years to come out to them," I shrugged.
"Okay. Thanks Tyler. I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight," he smiled as I stood up and walked out.
The memories of the previous night never left my mind. Every time I closed my eyes Josh's smile mesmerized me once again.
"I'm going to the mall. Wanna come?" Brendon asked as we lounged on my couch.
"I have no money," I whined.
"Who cares? Ask your mom for some or something?" He mumbled finishing off the bag of chips.
"No. I just won't buy anything," I grunted standing up to get my shoes on.
We got into his car, and the music instantly came in. It wasn't as loud as it usually is.
"So tell me about your little crush," I say flipping through his CD collection.
"He works at the mall, his name is Ryan, and he's gorgeous," he awed.
I know Ryan. The name sounds oddly familiar.
"He works at Hot Topic, doesn't he?" I ask.
I got a nod in response.
The drive continued for another 10 minutes before we pulled into the busy mall parking lot.
We walk into the large building side by side. The lower level wasn't as busy as I expected.
"Let's go to Starbucks first, then Hot Topic," I mumbled turning right. I could see the Starbucks sign from the entrance. I didn't know what days Josh worked, but this is the same time I met him the other day.
"Hey! It's my favorite costumer," I heard Josh's voice say right as I walked through the door.
I smile softly and walk up to the counter. The coffee shop wasn't as busy as I expected it to be.
"I've been your costumer once," I laugh leaning on the counter with Brendon following behind me.
"What can I get you two?" He asked, eyeing Brendon a bit. It wasn't out of jealousy, it was more of a curious look.
We both told Josh our order and talked for a few minutes.
"I get off in about 5 minutes. If you want to wait up we can all go do something," Josh said checking his phone.
I look at Brendon who gave me 'that look'.
"Sounds great, but Bren has to go meet up with someone," I say. I hate to turn something like that down.
"Oh. If he gets off soon he can come along as well," Josh shrugged taking off his apron. Another person walked in with a uniform just like his.
Josh gave him a small smile and walked from behind the counter.
"That sounds fine. He gets off in about 10 minutes I think," Brendon said as the three of us walked out of the shop.
The short walk to Hot Topic was spent with small conversation and brief eye contact.
"Hey, Brendon!" Ryan smiled as we walked into the store. He had a small smile on his face as we approached the counter. The store had very few people in it.
"When do you get off?" Brendon asked messing with the rack of shirts by the counter.
"5 minutes," Ryan replied yawning quietly.
"Josh has invited us to do something fun," Brendon chirped walking back to the counter.
"I'm down. I'm alright with anything as long as it's not work," he laughed messing with the pins in the bucket.
"So what are we going to do?" I ask looking at Josh.
"If it's cool with your parents we can go to Cedar Point. It's a few hours away, and it's pretty late. My aunt works there and we get free tickets once a year. We can also rent a cabin for a night or two," He smiled leaning against the counter.
If Brendon goes my mom will most likely say yes. Brendon's parents don't care what he does, and I don't know about Ryan.
"Sounds good. I'll just text my mom," Brendon mumbled pulling out his phone as I did the same.

Tyler: Hey mom. Can I go to Cedar Point with Brendon and a couple of friends?

Mom: What friends?

Tyler: Brendon, Ryan and Josh

Mom: Fine. Only since Brendon is going. Please be good Tyler. I know you know what I mean by that

I could feel my cheeks getting rosy. We've had so many talks about that kind of stuff.
"My mom said yes," I smile putting my phone away.
"Mine too," Brendon uttered.
I'm not sure how this will all turn out. I've only been to Cedar Point once, and I only went on one ride. I was too scared to go on any of the big ones. I'm not into trying new things, and I'm okay with that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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