The Conversation

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"Kendall do you realize what just happened? If he would've heard any more-" she gets a call from her mom "Hold on Kendall my mom is calling." "Okay" and they hang up "Hey mom." "Kay, the studio just called. They need you and Day Day at the studio in the next 30 minutes. Call Kyla and Kassadee and see if they need a ride. Tell Ray he needs to take y'all and I said so. Take Nay Nay and Tay Tay.Be there  A.S.A.P. Do not leave with out me knowing. Do you understand?" "Yes, but mom I had plans with Kylie, Kaylee, and Kendall today." "Well, you're gonna have to take a rain check." "Mom it's a one day event." "Oh well! I spend to much money on your career, you're going to the studio whether you like it or not. I suggest you call your little friends and say you can't make it." "Okay." "Is there a problem, I can fix it?" "No!" "You being a teenager doesn't change anything. Goodbye little girl!"

Kaylynn starts to call Kendall.As the phone is ringing she yells down the hall. "Day Day get dressed we gotta go to the studio." "Ray we gotta get to the studio!" Kendall picks up "What took so long?" "I gotta go back to the studio I can't go today." She said sadly. "Oh okay. Well I gotta go." "Okay." They hang up.

Kaylynn's thoughts:

OMG she is ruining my teenage years. I'm 14. Give me freedom! This isn't fair. Day Day does what he wants, Nay Nay does what she wants, Tooka even does what she wants. Ugghhh!! I'll never have a normal life.

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