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"I hugged you today in school."

"I hope i didnt scare you ."

"You probably wont read my text and i have no idea why."

"Are you avoiding me?"

Fawn checked her locker and a note fell out .

Bending down , she picked it up from the floor and dusted it .

Opening up the small letter , she reads :

"Hi pretty . I dont know what happened to you , but i just want you to be happy and treat yourself properly . You might not reply me on the phone , but i'll still talk to you one way or another .

—   c:3       "

She felt very touched by this boy who she has never seen before .

She wanted to repay him one way or another as he didnt fail to bring a smile up on her face .

But she didnt know how .

Hence she tore out a piece of fullscap paper and wrote back with her favourite black pen .

"Thank you so much . I dont know who you are and i hope you would reveal your identity to me . By the way , my phone got ran over by a car and i fainted . Got sent to the hospital like what you have predicted .

— .-.     "

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