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The bell rang , indicating that it was lunch time .

Both parties were equally nervous about seeing each other , especially Jungkook.

Jungkook knew that Fawn had a crush on him and would probably run away if she sees him .

He walked out of his classroom with his hands in his pocket .

He saw that Fawn was already by her locker , looking around .

Without hesistation , he went up to her and smiled .


"J.. Jungkook?" She looked at him with big eyes , taking a few seconds to understand the current situation .

"You're Seagull? " she said , shocked and blushing continuously , thinking if she should run away right now .

He leans in and met her lips , taking away her first kiss .

"You are beautiful , just the way you are ."

"And ... Fawn , will you be my girlfriend?"


Hi guys ^^ This is my first short story and a cute one heh :D

I finished it within 2 days :P

I wrote this book to tell everyone that everyone is beautiful , no matter what size you are and you should love yourself .

c:3 X .-.

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