Gone Rouge ✔

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Chapter 2

Blood, flesh... anything...

I need something. Something to rip apart. Something to kill. My eyes dart around the barren forest for movement. For something.

And then I hear it...

Child's laughter

I run in that direction as fast as I can until it comes into view. A little girl playing with a brown dog by the stream. She splashes puddles while the dog hops around playfully.

"Alice!" A man's voice calls. Footsteps approach the girl as she sits crouched by the bank. "It's getting late, we should head back now." The dog stops playing and begins to sniff the air. Its eyes dart around the trees until they stop in my direction.

"Five more minutes." The girl pleads, looking up into her father's eyes.

"Fine," He sighs, looking behind him. "But you're explaining to your mother why we're late." The girl giggles before turning back to the water. The dog keeps its eyes locked in my direction.

"Max." The girl calls him and the dog begins growling.

"What do you see, Max? A squirrel?" The dad looks at the dog before glancing in my direction. "Max!" The dog suddenly starts running. I bare my teeth as it stops in front of me and growls. I stare back into its eyes. Its eyes are soft and warm compared to its vicious face snarling at me. I don't move any further but just stare into the dog's eyes. "Max!" The dad calls again, he begins to walk forward.

I begin to growl lowly as I stare at the dog. It whimpers before running off, past the dad and back to the little girl who holds him dearly. The man looks back in my direction with furrowed brows.

"Hello?" He questions, taking a slow step forward. I stare at his approaching figure as his heartbeat becomes more audible. "Who's there?" He takes another step forward. I pounce and knock him to the floor.

"Daddy!" The little girl screams. The dog begins barking. I stare into his eyes and growl into his face.

"Run! Alice!" He screams to his daughter as he struggles to free himself. I raise my claws and start to bring them down onto his chest.

A hand grabs onto my arm. I glare up at the person and growl at them. He pushes me back and off the man.

"Go!" The voice yells. The dad clambers to his feet, grabs his daughter, and runs off into the night with the dog following close behind. I scramble to my feet and lock my eyes on the new man. He has curly, brown hair and wears a scarf around his neck. He glows his eyes and begins approaching.

I slash at his chest, but he manages to dodge. I take this chance to kick his side but miss. I start viciously slashing at him again until hands grab my waist and toss me to the side. I roll over before jumping to my feet. Derek stares at me with hard eyes.

"Come on, Nina!" He tries. "You're stronger than this. I know you are."

I growl in response and lunge at him. He grabs ahold of my arms and roars at me. The sound hits my eardrums and I cower. He glares at me with his red, luminous eyes. I look away and scurry off.

"After her!" Derek yells, I hear footsteps chase after me as I run off into the night. I jump past tree trunks, over rocks, and under branches as fast as I can.

why are they trying to stop me?

I finally have freedom after three months and they want to catch me again?

not happening.

I take a sharp right turn and run further into the bush. I keep running until I can't hear anything behind me anymore. I stop and glance around my surroundings for my next prey.

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