Nogitsune ✔

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Chapter 22

Mrs. McCall rushes to her ex-husband bleeding out on the floor. Scott transforms and sends a menacing growl towards the dark figure. I extend my claws and feel the familiar coolness overtake my eyes. But before I can do anything, the front door flies open.

The stalker, aka Derek, jumps into action. Fully transformed, he growls at the figure. His eyes glow a cool steel blue.

He always liked making his dramatic entrances.

Scott begins fighting the figure, "Mom, the ash!" He yells, narrowly missing a swing of the sword. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a black mist appear behind a wide-eyed Kira. It keeps its eyes leeched onto her.

"Kira!" I yell, running to her aid. She turns and sees the menacing figure behind her. I slash at the figure as it turns its attention to me. I duck as it slices the air where my head used to be. I use this to my advantage and slice at its legs. But it's too fast and kicks me out the way. I fall on my back and watch as the sword inches towards my chest.

To my luck the window shatters. Ethan and Aiden jump through the window and growl at the figure. I use this distraction to slip out from under the sword and get back on my feet.

We continue fighting the figures, dodging swinging swords and werewolf claws. Ethan and Aiden throw a figure out the door, while Scott and I toss one out a window.

"Mom now! Do it now!" Scott yells with urgency. Derek pushes the last figure out the door just seconds before Mrs. McCall throws down the vial filled with ash. Mountain ash, as it forms a perfectly straight line in the doorway. I hold my breath as one of the figures steps towards the barrier but doesn't make any attempt to move past it.

It worked

"What? Scared of a little mountain ash?" I taunt, earning a few glares from around the room.

"All the baseboards are ash-wood?" Derek questions, looking away from me.

"Uh, yeah. It was Deaton's idea." Scott replies. His face suddenly morphs into confusion. "Where the hell did you come from? Did Nina tell you?" He says turning to me.

"Nope," I say walking over to Derek as I put a hand against my aching head. "This guy's just a stalker. Isn't that right, sourwolf?" I put my other hand mockingly on his shoulder.

"What?" Scott questions, even more confused.

"I've been following you," Derek says shrugging my hand off his shoulder.

"For how long?" Scott questions, squinting his eyes.

"All day." We say at the same time.

Scott's eyes widen at me. "You knew?"

"Of course, I knew. I'm not blind." I point towards Derek who walked away from us. "And he's not subtle."

"I heard that."

"Yeah of course you did," I mutter

"Scott! This isn't good!" Mrs. McCall calls from upstairs. Scott gives one last look at the figures outside before rushing upstairs. I cross my arms over my chest and look around the room. Everyone seems tense and quiet. I turn my gaze back to the figures as they stare at us with soulless eyes.

"Not so tough now are you," I smirk at them. They, as expected, don't respond. "What? Werewolf got your tongue?"

"Cut it out." Aiden scolds, yanking me backward from the window.

"What? It's not like they can actually hurt us now?"

"We don't know that." He responds, turning me around to face him. "So if they kill us, that's on you." He gives me a stern look before walking away. I roll my eyes as I massage my temples.

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