Change Part 2

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The world is gone. There is nothing where the third planet from the sun should be, and there are no survivors from this event. No one can really tell the events that were happening to Earth that lead up to their end from their point of view. They are hopefully all dead now. The Earth was blown up, because they couldn't keep up. No one misses them, and there is no one here that wants to stumble upon another planet like that one. We would rather not have to get rid of another planet, but if we have too we will. The happy part of this is that everyone here is usually divided when coming to a decision about if the planet should be blown up or not, and no one was against it. That planet really showed their true colors, and no one could find a reason to keep it around. We just wish that they had listened, because the planet itself was a fascinating place. The only real problem with the planet was the inhabitants. Our rule is, that if there is one mistake with the planet then it will disappear. We are reasonable about it. I mean if it is a small mistake then it stays, but if it is a massive one then they will disappear. The planet has to be worthy to still exist.

We have found a new planet. This time there are no inhabitants and that is a plus. I can't wait to see what is right or wrong about this planet. We are picky, but we know not to be completely picky of everything. Every planet has their differences. I wish there was a perfect planet that we could just oversee forever, but the problem is that something always happens that makes it have a massive mistake. I think instead we should watch different planets, and just go to and from them to allow them to change without us disturbing them. That way if something happens while we are gone that could end up with them being dead, then we don't know about it. If we don't know about it then we can't do anything about that change. I hope that they like this idea, because then we could become more stable. I wonder how many people would rather stay abroad then stay watching planets. That could work, too. Just being abroad would allow us to just enjoy ourselves instead of just focusing on another planet.

This planet is doing so well, and our council accepted my idea with open minds. They said that they will try it, and they have even sent some of us to go mark some planets that we could being going to next. I hope they don't have the idea doesn't make them think that watching multiple planets at the same time but different times. I really wonder what is going through their minds to allow some understand about what they are doing. I, myself, think that this planet is doing well, but everyone is getting sick of it. The planet doesn't do anything that significant. They would rather watch a planet with inhabitants than one without them. Their reasoning is that they actually have something to watch. This planet won't be destroyed, and we will be moving on soon. We can't change the fact that the planet has no inhabitants, but only hope in later years that the planet may have them. All I have to say to this planet is good luck.

I was right about the council taking my idea in a different way. They are now having us watch multiple planets at the same time instead of just going from planet to planet. We are hopeless. I have been working with some of the other ones in this place to destroy our kind. I have almost succeeded, but we need one more day to actually be able to go through with our plan. I can't wait for this day to be over, and then we can be gone. We won't be able to torment anybody else. They won't be happy, but this small group will be. Goodbye to whoever finds this.

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