Getting to know my stepbrother to well

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*shower turns on*

I get up to the sound of water. I look around to see that James wasn't in bed with me any more. I get up slowly to go check who was in my bathroom taking a shower. I open the door slowly, it creaked a lot. "Hey who's In here" a familiar voice had said "uhh its me Amy and ummm why are you in my bathroom shower?" I said in a bit awkward tone. "Oh yeah sorry about that and uhh I asked your dad AKA our dad if I can and he said yeah so I am now taking a shower in your bathroom" James said sounding as if he were happy about it, my face fleshed with anger as he said my dad had said yes for a boy I barley even met last night take a shower in my bathroom. Well if you think about it, I did let him sleep with me though.

James turns off the water, me on the other hand I was naked because I was ready to change in different cloths(I was only in my PINK bra and underwear). "Oh my god oh my god" I said to myself and hurried to put a shirt on before he came out. The door swung open and I stopped fast when I seen him with a towel wrapped around his waist and a eight pack that will now never fade away in my mind. "Woah did I interrupt you while you were changing?" James said with a smile on his face. I smiled with a guilty face and said "uhh yup..." I said laughing in embarrassment. "It's fine I'll just get dressed in your bathroom.....and ummm if I may ask can I leave the door opened so I won't you know feel......scared" James said with a disappointing look. " yes of course" I said giving James an reassure look that made him give me a wink and side smirk.

While I was pulling the shirt I didn't want on me that I had thrown on because of James I felt as if some one was watching me. Then someone was. It was James. "Uhh what?" I said with a half smile on my face. "Your reminds me of a girl I used to like.....but she never liked me back though and if you think about it I was a bit chunky when I was little so maybe now if I were to ask her out she might say yes" James said with a full smile. I gave him a disgusted look. "Eww" I said quietly though he heard that "why you say eww?" James said with a wanting me to answer that question look and tone. "Uhhh I don't know what your talking about....I never said eww" as I was walking by James he grabbed me by the waist and lifted me making me squeal then fall onto my bed then he came tumbling down right after me and fell right on top of me. We stared at each other breathing heavily.

As I closed my eyes I could feel his breathing coming closer and closer. "Amy?....James?" My dad had called out to us both from downstairs. "Please come down here and eat breakfast" "ughhh sorry James but what we're doing right now is really wrong" I said pushing James off of me with his puckered up lips ready to get kissed. "Coming dad I'll be their in a bit" I said yelling back towards my dad "I'll be their soon sir" James said right after me "c'mon now son call me dad for goodness sake" my dad said to James. "Well alright then DAD I'll be their in a while" James said looking at me and giving me a wink and smile.

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