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I smirk leaving Potter staring at me eyes wide and mouth ajar.

Draco- one

Potter- zero

Potter has yet to leave me shocked enough to show that I was shocked. I despise the ground he walks one, yet he is very attractive. I sigh as I walk in the halls getting to the Slytherins entry way whispering that password.

I pull my sleeve up revealing my dark mark . . . A chance to redeem my family . . . Of course I don't get a say in it. My father would not care if I wished to do this anyway, he doesn't care about what I want, I'm a disappointment to him.

I start scratching at the mark my nails digging into my flesh pulling marked skin off my arm. It's not like it's going to help when the skin grows back it will still be marked. I continue to scratch and scratch and scratch removing all the skin off my arm.

A few tears escape running down my cheeks I violently wipe them off taking my wand out and doing a healing spell making it look like it never even happened.

I should probably write to my mum she cares she wanted me home, but she new that it was best I stay here away from him. I get paper and a quill

Mother, I do hope you will have a nice Christmas I'll send your present a day before Christmas. Father's not being hard on you is he? I'll see you soon enough, I love you -M

I don't really have much to say but she hates it when I just put one word so I make everything longer said.

"Take this to my mother." I tell my pitch black owl giving it the note. He coos flying off. I lay down in bed looking at the sealing. Slowly I drift off to to sleep slowly.

. . .

I awake to a pecking on my window, my owl sets there waiting very inpatiently. I open the window taking the note and giving him a treat, he coos and leaves.

Dearest Draco, I'm sure I will have a fine Christmas, and I hope you do to. Your present will be sent at the same time, I have a good feeling your going to like this one. To answer your question he is not being any harder then normal. I'm sure we will as well, I love you too -N

I smile at the letter folding it back up and placing it on my desk, plopping back on my bed and almost imedetly falling back to sleep.

. . .

I wake up this time naturally and grab my cloths going to the bathroom to get ready for a boring day. I show and put the new cloths on fixing my hair and brushing my teeth. Even if it's just Potter down there I still have to look my absolute best. Potter, he gets all the attention because he's the 'chosen one' Oh big deal.

I walk down the hallways quietly, what other way is there to walk though when there's no one around to make noise with. Why on earth did Potter have to stay our of everyone. I guess it is fun to play mind games on him. It's entertaining.

I walk through the huge doors seeing Potter setting already eating. Let's play a game on how red we can get Potter.

I strut over my head held high as I set right next to him our arms touching, I tern my head so I'm looking at him. "Hello Potter." I say smirking at the curly hired boy with rounded glasses and stunning green eyes . . .

What what did I just think, no way could I ever say Potter of all people had stunning eyes I almost let out a snort but somehow managed to keep it in. "Malfoy." He mutters cheeks heating up already.

"Aww Potty can't even speak up am I too close, do I take your breath away every time you see me? Hum?" I question making him blush even more, but he quickly makes a straight face and roles his eyes.

"Oh please Malfoy your an anoying arrogant git, I wouldn't like you if my life depended on it." If I didn't know Potter better I would say he's telling the truth.

But I like knowing about my enamy Potter always fiddles with his fingers when he's lieing. "Whatever helps you sleep at night . . ." I lower my voice and move my lips closer to his ear in till I know he can feel my breath. "In till next time Harry."

I thought the name would make me want to puke but oddly it didn't. I get up not letting my shock show and strut out of the room with a smirk still on my face. "Wow" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, who knew being so close to Potter could make me so flustered . . . No no no, I will not think about him in that way at all . . . Besides I'm straight.

I'm just playing a game with Potter, brake his heart maybe. I sigh rolling my eyes Potter he's so, so angering. I hate him, everyone just thinks he's so perfect 'the boy who lived' humpf!

I walk out of the school going down to the black lake. I set on the edge roleing my pants up, taking my shoes off and putting my feet in the water.

Potter, amazing eyes, hair, not to mention body he may under eat but somehow his figure is nice. I shake my head and slap myself what the bloody hell am I think, Potter is horrid to look at.

I continue to mentally scold myself not hearing the footsteps coming up in till they were right beside me. I put my smirk on looking up at Potter. "Can I sit?" He asks I shrug my shoulders the smirk never leaving my face.

"Go ahead Potter I don't care." I say looking back at the lake. He sets next to me sending a lode of emotions that I don't understand through me I just shake my head and ignore them, letting out arms and legs touch.

"What's got you acting so off?" He asks suddenly terning his head slightly so he's looking at me. "What ever do you mean Potter?"

He roles his eyes slightly, "you know what I mean you calling my Harry and and just the way you acting." He says getting really flustered

"What so you don't like it?" I ask getting closer to him so my face is inches away from his. I bypass his lips even though I would really love to kiss him, wait I did not think that . . . Err . . . "And I mean your name is Harry, right?" I whisper softly in his ear my lips pressed on the soft skin.

Not that I liked it, I like seeing him so flustered and yeah it's torture for him. I think to myself. "Uh-er-um ri-righ-t." He nods his head stuttering. I smirk getting up

"I'll see you at lunch Potter." I say walking back in and to my room. Messing with him is fun not being close to him just messing with him, I definitely do not like him.

Holiday Brake ♡{Drarry}♡Where stories live. Discover now