Chapter 1.

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England's  P.O.V

I heard all the people in the conference room, talking about the earth's problems. How we should take care of global warming and what we should do to save the people in need. I rarely listen, or even cared what they were talking about. I just sit there, quietly, like a lonely wolf. Everybody was arguing about different choices, but I just looked at my work. I didn't really need to do it, because nobody actually listened to me. I am the person everybody can see, but can't tell about. I have secrets, that even I am scared of. I looked at the time, and it was 3pm. Gilbert was the first to stand up and run out of the room, everybody else walked after him. I looked at their happy faces, the Italy brother's were talking about pasta. The Nordics were having a drinking night, and all the others had some plans too. I just listened, in the distance.

I stood up and packed my stuff into my bag, and left the room. I shut the lights and closed the big doors. I walked the empty hall's, as I saw rooms. They all had a number, and a country's name and flag. I walked over to mine, what was number 44. I opened it and as I walked in I saw that the window was open. I heard bird's singing outside, and the car's driving. Most of them we're the country's going to the airport, to get the flight back home. Our next meeting is in a month or something, but we will have smaller one's between the Axis and Allies. I just smelled the fresh air. It felt so refreshing that I had do open more of them. I just swung them open and looked at the beautiful view.

I looked down and saw Francis having trouble getting a taxi. They either ignored him or he wasn't waving he's hand enough. He looked like he would give up, but then a taxi came. He went inside and left.

My life has been quite long, living with my brother's, and Francis interfering my life. He would always come and annoy me with his looks, saying that I look like a freak or something. I tried to grow my hair longer, but it didn't work. We would fight all day just to see who was better. We never got to the answer, and to this day I still don't know. I've had a very interesting life, I was a pirate, I got to rule most of Europe. And then I met Alfred. We would always go outside and see the wonders of the world. He loved it so much, that it even made me smile. But then, the day came. We fought for years, he wanting independents. I couldn't take it anymore, I was broken and couldn't do it. He won, and left me behind. Leaving a trail of shattered glass, everywhere. After that I changed, I listened to rock music all the time. I had dark clothes on, and I even got a tattoo from those days. I've lived a life, filled with secrets I never told anybody. I wish I would had asked for help then, but being stubborn didn't make it easy. I couldn't tell Alfred about the old time's, because I was scared that he'd leave me. In the end he did, and here we are. All of us meeting and talking about problems. That we won't probably even solve. The world is a mysterious place, and all of us have secrets. Most of us know them, but then there is me. Nobody knows my darkest secrets, and I hope it will stay like that.

I had stared outside, just thinking about the old time's. I felt my body shiver of the breeze. I shut the windows, and sat on my desk. I really didn't know what to do, so I just started humming a tune that was caught in my head. My desk was nearly empty, only having a few papers here and there. As I looked through them, I heard someone knock on my door. I panicked, nobody ever knocks on my door. "Come in." I said with a serious voice, trying to act normal. The door opened and a head peaked from there. As I looked it was Alfred. "Sup dude, what's up?" He asked while smiling. I just stared at him with no expression. I looked down at my paper's, and I could feel my body getting shaky. "I'm fine." I barely whispered, trying to calm myself. I don't know why, but when people come and see me privately, it scares me. He looked at me like I was making a joke or something. He shrugged and walked in, without any words. He walked around my room, he looked like he was trying to find something. I got the courage to ask him what he's doing. "Alfred, what are you doing?" I asked him, as my eyebrows forrowed. He just looked at me and kept searching something. He was smiling, the same smile that he had when he was young. I get annoyed when I start remembering the past, so I tried to ask him to leave.

"Alfred, can you leave? I'm quite busy."

"Sorry dude, I can't."

"Why not?"

"I'm looking around."

"What are you looking for?!"

"Oh umm.."

He started mumbling something, I only heard him say that he was searching for something. He was really pissing me off so I stood up, and tried to drag him out. "Come on I'm busy, come back another day!" I shouted as I tried to push he's back. I tried this a few times but he didn't even move a inch. I took he's arm and started pulling it. Nothing, he just stood there. I didn't understand what was wrong with him, he just stared for a bit. "Please Alfred, just leave me alone." I said letting go of he's hand. I looked back and he just stared at the floor. He suddenly lifted he's arm into the air. "I'll make you happy again, I promise. Even if it kills me!" He shouted with a big smile. I didn't understand what he ment, as I just stood there with no emotion. He had left. The door was shut, so I just stood there. What did he mean with that? I asked myself. My head was confused, did he just come here to say that? I looked at the time, and it was already time to leave. I packed my stuff and left the building, confused this time.

I got to my house, it was quite and dark as usual. I clicked the light switch on and walked to my room. I plopped onto the bed face first, and stayed like that for a few minutes. I really don't understand what Alfred ment, and it's bothering me. I turned onto my back and stared at the ceiling. I heard my phone making a sound, so I took it out of my pocket. I looked at the screen, I had a message. I didn't feel like answering, but if I didn't the person will get mad. I opened it and read it.

Hello, it's me, Francis. I heard that you we're going to dinner with someone, so I thought maybe I could come too? Well think about that, maybe we could have a double date ;)

I just started at the message. I could feel my body getting more and more angrier.

The bloody hell do you mean I'm having dinner with someone?! And I would never go out if you we're with me you frog!
-Arthur Kirkland

I send it and screamed into my pillow. We're did he get the thought that I would want dinner. I'd rather eat scone's at home. I calmed down and stared at my screen. The screen went off. I just stared at an black screen now. I loosened my tie and sat up. I felt miserable. Maybe somebody wanted to eat with me? No, that's impossible. I heard my phone make a sound, I opened it and read it.

Oh, I thought that, never mind. Sorry for bothering.
Ps. You need to get out more, it's not healthy.

I felt like throwing my phone to a wall. Actually, I might do it. I stood up and tightened my grip on the phone. I threw the phone as hard as I could to the wall. I felt my anger getting to me, eating me alive. The screen was only broken, other wise it was fine. I took it and stared at it again. This day had been too confusing for me. I sighted and put my pajama on. I went under the covers, and closed my eyes. And left to the dream world.

I decided to make a USUK fic. I've had this on my mind for a while and I'm excited to start this. I might start making this more than the one-shot book because this is actually making me want to write something XD. I hope you like it and I'll see you on the next chapter XD

~Armin The Arlert~

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