Chapter 3.

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England's P.O.V

As I opened the conference room door, I could hear Feliciano shouting something. The others we're laughing as he was doing something. I opened the door and saw that Feliciano was dancing on the table. Ludwig, Honda, Ivan and Yao we're laughing with him. As I just stared at them, Ludwig joined him. They danced together, nearly falling off the table. Honda looked at me and he's face went to a horrid scream. He screamed like a little school girl, the others stopped and looked at me. All of their faces went blank.

"What are you all looking at? It's like I've never been here." I said really annoyed.

"Voaah, your nose is a bit." Feliciano said while looking fascinated.

"It's a bit umm." Ludwig tried to say something.

"Broken." Ivan said it with no emotion.

I left the room and went to the bathroom to see what was wrong.
I could hear Yao shouting "You want a Hello Kitty bandage on it?!"
As I ran into the bathroom and looked at my nose, it was swollen and all bloody. Damn that Francis. I washed it and it was quite soar. I cleaned my hair a little at the same time. I was happy how it looked so I decided to go out. But as an annoying American was coming in I decided to just stay and act as I was cleaning my face. He opened the door as he was whistling to a tune. He looked at me, and I just looked at him with a serious expression. He looked all horrified about my nose probably.

"Dude what happened to your nose? It looks broken." He said as he came really close to me.

"Francis was a dick and had a rope tied up, so I fell on my nose. It's not a big deal." I said while I pushed Alfred out of my way.

"Arthur wait!" Alfred took my wrist and stopped me.

I didn't really understand, but I stopped. I looked at him, and he looked quite unsure about what he was doing.

"I umm.. What we're you going to apologise about? Because you just kinda left."

"About last week, nothing special." As I took he's hand off and started to walk away, I could hear Alfred making weird noises. I looked and he just turned away. I shrugged and left saying "The meeting is in a few minutes, don't be late like always."

The meeting has started and everybody was there. I had to sit next to Francis and Ivan, I wasn't really happy about it. Alfred was between Yao and Feliciano. As Ludwig started speaking about the usual stuff, I started dreaming again. I really wasn't in the mood to be here, but as it's my duty I came here. Francis poked at me, and passed a paper to me. I just looked at him and he pointed at it, probably saying to open it. I opened it and started to read it.

"Do you want to go for dinner then? You really need to and I'm the best option, who was it that asked you?

I could mentally start punching him, but I didn't want to here. I looked at him seriously, and crumbled the paper and dropped it on front of him. He looked upset but I turned and saw Alfred nearly bursting out laughing. He was holding it so hard that his face was all red. What did I do that was so funny? He calmed down and smiled at me. I felt ny face heat up for some reason, so I turned away and listened to the meeting.

The meeting ended, I was so glad. It was another one of those were we we're talking about money. I walked down the isle as I started hearing big thumping noises. Somebody put his arm around my neck and I panicked.

"SUP DUDE!" Alfred shouted like a crazy person.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?!" I shouted back at him, I wasn't happy. He could've killed me.

"Oh me? Oh I'm just walking next to you."

"Why are you walking next to me?

"I wanted to ask you something."

"Well then ask."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because you have to guess"

"Okay, what's going on?" I turned and looked at him.

He gave me a paper and pointed at it. I opened it and started reading it.

Can you chill, or I'll bill you. Can you laugh, otherwise I'll tell you were caught. Please smile, and have lunch with me.

I just furrowed my eyebrows and started laughing.

"This is the stupidest poem ever!" I couldn't stop laughing that it hurt.

"Well then, will you have lunch with me?" Alfred asked as he looked a bit pissed.

I didn't really want to go, but I was a bit hungry. I nodded a little and his face lit up starigh away. I wasn't sure about why he wanted me to go with him, or why his been acting a little strange. He took my wrist and started running.

"Come on, other wise we won't get any!" He shouted, but it was in a joyful sound.

We went there by car, and now we're standing, on front of a McDonald's. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him.

"The newest item is coming out in any minute." He said as we went in.

There was a huge line, just waiting for a burger. We stood there together waiting, until the cashier said "The newest item is now available!" As people started moving, I felt somebody pushing me away. People were getting very agressive, and I wasn't liking it. Somebody pushed me on my belly, and it hurt like hell. I fell on to the ground and all the people started walking over me. Hell somebody even kicked my face. I felt hopeless at that moment, like an useless piece of garbage. I tried to shout for Alfred but it came out as an whisper. Somebody picked me up and helped me stand up. I looked and of course it was Alfred. He had a pink face and he offered me something.

"I'm sorry I left you, it was mean. Let's go outside, where it's more quieter." He said it with such a soft voice.

I just took the thing and followed him. We sat in the car and I opened the thing. It was a burger, so I started eating it. Alfred ate the same thing as well. He had gotten us a milkshake as well, he gave me strawberry and he had chocolate. As we ate silently in the car, Alfred asked me something.

"Can I have a sip of your milkshake?"

"Go ahead." I said bluntly and kept eating my burger.

He was finished with his own one, as expected. He took my milkshake and had a sip. He gave it back to me as I drank some straight away. I looked at Alfred and he's whole face was red now.

"What is it? Your face is all red like a tomato." I said while pointing at him.

He looked in the mirror and got even more red. I wasn't sure what was going on with him, but it was getting annoying. He started mumbling something, I just squinted my head and looked at him. He looked at me and straight away turned his head. I was getting pissed over his actions, so I took his face and looked at it.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked and let him go.

Alfred looked to all directions and then mumbled something.

"Just say it!" I shouted to him.

He looked at me and whispered "Don't get mad." I didn't understand what he said but it was too late. He placed his hands on my cheeks, and pulled me over. He pulled me over for a kiss?! I felt my face heat up. What the hell is going on?!

Oh hey, I'm back. Yes this is a bit rushed (if you can't tell) but yeah, Alfred kissed Arthur, boom. Done. XD okay okay it just doesn't end there but hopefully you liked it ^•^
/Armin The Arlert\

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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