Percival Graves

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Tina the so called officer seemed a little tense from the idea that Newt didn't obliviate the muggle. For some reason it just was against the rules for Non-magical people to see the amazing wizard world. Silly stuff. As the trio and Tina were heading to MACUSA she asked what business we had. Pfft. What business. None of hers for one thing. Katrine and Josette wandered behind and Katrine looked a bit nervous. Were they going to go back to America without the Appalossa Puffskeins that they had came here for. There was only one breeder in the world and he lives here. When Newt explained as to why we were here she seemed livid. She approached the guard and said
"I got a section 3A"
Whatever that meant. She looked back at us and tried to remain calm about it "Hey. By the way, we closed that guy down a year ago. We don't allow the breeding of magical creatures in New York" Tina looked a little suspicious of them.
Josette smacked newt upside the head as if it were a signal that he just made the situation worse then what it actually was. Katrine then rubbed the back of Newt's head and made a face at Josette. They approached an elevator and some house elf looked at them
"Hey Goldstein" the house elf spoke. Tina replied with a simple "Hey Red". Strange name for a house elf. Tina looked at the elf and spoke officially "Major Investigations Department" she said still having a firm grip on Newt as if he was going to run away.
"I thought you were...." The elf began to speak but Tina interrupted. "MAJOR INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT PLEASE" she seemed a little uneasy, apparently she had been marked down. "I have a section 3A" she went back to being calm. Katrine looked at Josette and Josette returned with a shifty eye. They didn't seem to like Goldstein. As they went down a hall and into some sort of meeting Josette stopped. Katrine glanced at Josette and then what she was staring, not what, who. Katrine cracked a smile and saw how star struck Josette was. The man was returning the same look to Josette.
(Josettes POV)
When we walked into the room my heart began to race, not only for the reason of being forced back to London but there was this man. The man that was in the meeting caught my eye in seconds, I don't if that's because I'm looking for a man in my life or what but he was very very attractive. Tall, dark hair, nice features, brown eyes. My kind of guy. Katrine looked at me like I was completely mental but also thought it was funny. Katrine leaned to me so I could hear her whisper.
"Looks like your not the only one you like what you see" she wiggles her eyebrows and I playfully smacked her and hushed her. She was right though. The man I was drawn too had been looking at me just as long. I wish I knew his name, he seems like such a good guy.
"Your into dark types huh Josette?" Katrine interrupted my day dream and I looked at her confused. "I'm sorry what?" I spoke in a whisper.
"Nothing, nothing." She said and sighed a bit.
"Okay then."
The next minute I know we were walking out, but why!?! I was enjoying the view! When we left I felt emptiness again. We went further down into a wand license register area, Tina seemed unhappy. Oh well. So was I!
"Umm pardon me to break the silence, where is your bathroom?" I asked Tina and she looked at me.
"Go down the hall, take three lefts and a right then you'll be there" she said and I went wandering. Honestly I didn't need the bathroom. I needed to find that man. As I went down the hall and left once, twice, then bam. I landed on my ass.
"Hey, I'm walking here!" I growled and then a hand was held out for me.
"I'm terribly sorry, I hope you aren't hurt Ms..." I took the man's hand and looked at him. OH MY MERLIN! It was him!!!!!
"Oh. No. I'm sorry, I was not paying attention at all." I blushed deeply and looked at him.
"Clearly I was the one who accidentally ran into you, you were on a mission. Any reason?" He asked and he didn't let my hand go, which I was okay with. I smiled a bit and brought my head down.
"Well I umm was looking for a certain man that was staring at me earlier." I say embarrassed and blushing redder then before.
"Well mission accomplished then, may I ask your name?" He asked curiously and scanned me up and down.
"My name is Josette, Josette Scamander" I blushed and he kissed my hand which caused me to squeak.
"Percival, Percival Graves" he said introducing himself as well and smiled even more.
"Percival, I like that." I smiled and he snakes an arm around me walking back with me to the Wand Licensing. I was hopelessly falling for him. I couldn't help it I mean look at the face!
When we got back he went back to being professional and wanted to see if Tina was actually saying the truth.
"Let's see the little guy then" Graves said and glances at me as I stood next to Katrine, Newt looked at the both of us and then Tina. 
When the suitcase was opened there was only one thing. Pastries. Which I helped myself too.
"You know these aren't bad" I smiled and Katrine took some as well and we were just trying to make light of the situation. I felt eyes on me again and saw Percival smirking at me softly and I smiled like an idiot. I think this would be a great trip!


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