What graphics do you make?
I make covers and threads, and a few times I have tried my hand at banners but it’s really not my area.
2. Whats hard about them?
I always struggle with capturing the mood in the covers, especially when people fill out the form vaguely. But I probably find the text placement most difficult in covers. With my thread designs, I always use multiple layers of terrible at pure html, don’t even get me started.
3. Do you like making graphics for others? Why?
I do enjoy making graphics for others, if only to practise my designs. Nearly all of my graphics are free, and when I make graphics for people on Wattpad, I can work on a wide range of different designs, moods and genres.
4. What made you start making the graphics?
I wanted a cover for my story and I didn’t realize we had the Multimedia club at the time.
5. Did anyone teach you your graphics?
My cover designs are self-taught, but my coding I learnt at school through CodeAvengers
6. What graphics would you like to next?
I have been attempting movie posters, but my examples are pretty mediocre.
7. Any good graphic designers you want to send a shout out to?
tediousturnip, for making the fastest, pretties pure html threads and for being stuck in a duo with me
8. Anything to say to graphic makers like advice?