How you kiss

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Canada:  Sweetly but every now and then his French side makes an appearance.

Lithuania:  like every one is going to be your last.

Austria: Like you are the only two in the world.

Switzerland:  not often because of innocent Liechtenstein, but when you do, you wonder why it would be hell if the lovers were Swiss.

Romania: You are mostly giggling about his fang and vampire jokes to kiss and when you do, you are both laughing  and  smiling.

Australia:  this boy maybe as wild as his American cousin, but his kisses are not.

New Zealand:  He is the complete opposite of Australia.

Scotland:  soft and sweet. Like you are lovesick teenagers from rival families.

South Italy/Romano:  you can see  why heaven would have the lovers as the Italians.

Prussia:  everything he does is AWESOME.  So why would his kisses be anything but?

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